Full text of review request

Package created in refine without a provider. Review and set provider of this package.


This review task is generated if a package is created in OpenRefine without a content provider being populated. 


Populate the provider field through an OpenRefine ingest

  1. Complete a successful ingest for your package according to the procedures outlined here: Tutorial: GOKb Data Ingest Using OpenRefine.
  2. Before ingest, you will be asked to choose the provider name.
  3. View the package record in the GOKb web app.
  4. Verify that the provider field on the package record is populated with the correct organization name.
  5. Close the review request

Populate the provider field manually

  1. From the review request screen, navigate to the package record.
  2. Choose the correct provider from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the blue check box to save.
  4. Close the review request.