1. Sprint Release
- Release date – September, 17th 2014
2. Tag Information
- SVN url for the released tag: https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.5/
3. Deliverables
Database Changes
Two new tables have been added for
Will need to apply the upgrade sql from https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.5/
The following changes need to be applied on the DB:
INSERT INTO KRMS_TYP_T (TYP_ID, NM, NMSPC_CD, SRVC_NM, ACTV, VER_NBR) VALUES ('OLE2016', 'DeliverNotice', 'OLE', 'deliverNoticeTypeService', 'Y', '1')
INSERT INTO KRMS_TYP_T (TYP_ID, NM, NMSPC_CD, SRVC_NM, ACTV, VER_NBR) VALUES ('OLE2017', 'NoticeFormat', 'OLE', 'noticeFormatTypeService', 'Y', '1')
INSERT INTO KRCR_PARM_T (NMSPC_CD, CMPNT_CD, PARM_NM, OBJ_ID, VER_NBR, PARM_TYP_CD, VAL, PARM_DESC_TXT, EVAL_OPRTR_CD, APPL_ID) VALUES ('OLE-DLVR', 'Deliver', 'NUMBER_OF_ITEM_INFO_IN_SINGLE_SOLR_CALL', 'OLE6519', '1', 'CONFG', '100', 'This is for setting the number of item information we can get from a single solr call.The number should be based on the maxhttpheadersize parameter in the SOLR tomcats server.xml file.We need to provide the value in such a way that the generated query size should not exceed the size of the maxhttpheadersize.The value could be set to (maxhttpheadersize - 1000)/50', 'A', 'OLE')
The above sqls are already available in the DB change sql file linked above.
KRMS XML File change
Changes have been made to the structure of the KRMS XML File as detailed in the https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/document/d/1CMF3Aw7bF5WD3026aewdKtbAvXR3AwFT3ZpUz8vPzz8/edit
These changes need to be applied to the institution's XML file as appropriate.
Re-index Required (Yes/No)
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Labels | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6983 | Invoices taking too long to load | Critical | Implementation | |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Labels | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5994 | Generation of Overdue notices very slow | Critical | Deliver |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Labels | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6952 | System slow down when trying ot display bib with thousands of items | Critical | Describe |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Labels | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-7008 | 1.5.3 is creating multiple pos and items | Blocker | Select & Acquire | |