1. Sprint Release ( 21st Aug - 26th Aug 2014 )
- 1.5.3-r20233
- Release date – August, 26th 2014
2. Tag Information
- SVN url for the released tag: https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.5/1.5.3/20140826-r20233/
3. Deliverables
Database Changes
1)DB changes applied for JIRA OLE-6889
The following permissions are now assigned to OLE_Serial-Receiving role
1) Show Serials Receiving Record From Holding
2) Edit Enumeration Main Receipt History
3) Edit Enumeration Supplementary Receipt History
4) Edit Enumeration Index Receipt History
5) Edit Chronology Main Receipt History
6) Edit Chronology Supplementary Receipt History
7) Edit Chronology Index Receipt History
8) Edit Serial Receiving Document
The 'Display Serial Receiving' permission has been renamed to 'Show Serials Receiving Record From Holding'
And the 'Save Serial Receiving Document' permission has been removed as 'Edit Serial Receiving Document' performs the edit and save functions for Serial Receiving Document.
Re-index Required (Yes/No)
6911 requires Enumeration field in item records to be corrected in database. This will also need re-indexing of solr.
Select & Acquire
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Assignee | Priority | Status | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6933 | Invoice on PO Amendment Error | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6910 | Invoice import does not match and overlay bib, holding, item | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6900 | Won't load Order records because of data But it's just marc data!!! | Richard Slabach | Major | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6889 | No "Save" button to apply changes to serials receiving records | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6879 | Import: Match bib, do not overlay bib, add holdings | Vijay Padmanabhan | Critical | Awaiting Technical Input | Select & Acquire |
6 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6853 | NAD Segment Error on EDI Invoice Load--OLE Needs to Accept Either Option | Richard Slabach | Major | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6825 | Pro Rating of Additional Charges Not Working on Invoice | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6822 | When deleting a Holdings record, no indication that a SRR is attached | Richard Slabach | Major | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
9 | Enhancement | OLE-6798 | Total foreign currency display on Invoice. | Bob Persing | Critical | Closed | Select & Acquire |
10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6794 | Batch order import: Room has default value; need to map from incoming data | Janet Fox | Blocker | Closed | Select & Acquire |
11 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6752 | Order Upload with concurrent Bib Profile | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Select & Acquire |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Assignee | Priority | Status | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6899 | Transfer item does not work | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Describe |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6897 | Cannot remove a note from a holdings | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Describe |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6888 | Trying to delete item 3 deletes all items | Frances McNamera | Critical | Closed | Describe |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6884 | Profile says don't change status on overlaid bib but it does | Frances McNamera | Critical | QA Review | Describe |
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6872 | Status Updated Date should be associated with Change in Bibliographic Record Status | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Describe |
6 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6856 | Use Next Match Points Even If Tag Exists For First Match Point | Janet Fox | Critical | QA Review | Describe |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6845 | Could not schedule an Order import it didn't work | Frances McNamera | Major | QA Review | Describe |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6795 | 003 field in MARC Editor should be locally-determined | Tirumalesh Bodavula | Major | QA Review | Describe |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Assignee | Priority | Status | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6928 | All hold notices sent to one patron regardless of what patron they are on hold for | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6915 | Cannot update patron barcode if patron has large number of loans | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6909 | Can't RETURN an item because the title is too long | Frances McNamera | Blocker | QA Review | Deliver |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6902 | Deliver pop-ups do not appear on screen after several items returned or loaned | David Bottorff | Critical | Closed | Deliver |
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6839 | Bib edit: Created By: shows date/timestamp, not user ID | Janet Fox | Critical | QA Review | Deliver |
6 | Enhancement | OLE-6818 | All cancellation of requests should send a notice to the user who placed the request | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6812 | When creating patron bill, incorrect error message displayed if user attempts to add fee with negative value or zero | Andrew Lee | Trivial | QA Review | Deliver |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6784 | Search workbench due date/time display not showing due time | Cheryl Malmborg | Major | QA Review | Deliver |
9 | Enhancement | OLE-6783 | DocstoreDataRetrieveService logs entire instance output | Peri Subrahmanya | Major | Open | System Integration |
10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6780 | Borrowers with hundredes of items out receive very slow updates in Deliver | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver |
11 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6761 | default focus on Return screen should be Item barcode field, not Circulation desk | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver |
12 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6666 | Hold Slips list patron name as FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME. Should be LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver |
13 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5994 | Generation of Overdue Notices Very Slow | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Deliver |
Implementation & System Integration
SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Assignee | Priority | Status | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6941 | ASR API not listing new items when Holdings location is changed | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | System Integration |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6929 | Accounting lines not matching invoice line item amount for ingested invoice | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Implementation, Select & Acquire |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6911 | Error calling up bib in MARC Editor | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Implementation |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6894 | Takes too long for Vufind to call up Items out list | Frances McNamera | Critical | QA Review | System Integration |
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6875 | Bib import does not match on 001 content | Janet Fox | Blocker | QA Review | Describe, Select & Acquire |
6 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6874 | Bib import profile: where is list of bib statuses not to overlay? | Janet Fox | Critical | Closed | Describe, Select & Acquire |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6870 | De-selecting bill where pay amount has been set to zero causes negative value in pay amount | Cheryl Malmborg | Major | QA Review | Implementation |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6851 | qa Full export did not export all the records | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | System Integration |
9 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6846 | Import Error - invalid xml character 0x2 | Frances McNamera | Critical | QA Review | Implementation |
10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6792 | Batch Exports hang | Frances McNamera | Blocker | QA Review | System Integration |
11 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6690 | Searching hangs on blackberry | Frances McNamera | Critical | QA Review | System Integration |