Data Loading in OLE happens via different sets of processes, some of which are internal to OLE and some are available as external APIs for clients to call. Depending on the types of data that needs to be ingested, different processes are used.
Data Type | Format | Process | APIs (http or RESTful) |
Financial data for initial setup | .xml & .csv | Liquibase and Impex processes convert the data expressed in .xml and .csv and generate sql that then gets inserted by the OLE db process. | NA |
KIM Users, Roles, Responsibilities etc. | .csv | Liquibase process takes the .csv and converts them into sql that gets inserted by the OLE db process. | NA |
Locations | .xml | Polling Service that polls specific directory for location xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="locations.xml.root.location">${project.home}/locations</param>
Class | Can be a RESTful API |
Patrons | .xml | Polling Service that polls specific directory for Patron xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="patrons.xml.root.location">${project.home}/patrons</param>
Class | Can be a RESTful API |
Circulation Policies | .xml | olling Service that polls specific directory for circulation policies xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="circ.xml.root.location">${project.home}/circulation-policies</param>
Class | Can be a RESTful API |