1. Sprint Release ( 17th June 2014 - 30th June 2014)
- 1.5.0_M2-r19514
- Release date – July 1st 2014
2. Tag Information
- SVN url for the released hhttps://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.5/1.5.0-M2/20140701-r19514/
3. Deliverables
SI.NO | Issue Type | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | Changes to patron not Saved in local raspberry db | Blocker | Deliver |
2 | Bug/Defect | Latest Version of Generate Overdue Notices Does Not Create Notices for All Eligible Loans | Blocker | Deliver |
3 | Bug/Defect | Operator receives no warning about field size when creating feetype notes on a patron bill | Major | Deliver |
4 | Bug/Defect | Number of Overdue Notices Not being updated | Blocker | Deliver |
SI.NO | Issue Type | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | Call Number Type in Holdings area Always Becomes Library of Congress Classification (LCC) in bib imports | Critical | Describe |
System Integration & Others
SI.NO | Issue Type | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | NCIP LookuserResponse is empty if patron is blocked | Major | System Integration |
2 | Bug/Defect | SRU server returns staff only records | Critical | System Integration |
3 | Bug/Defect | NCIP LookupUser fails if patron has no expiration date | Critical | System Integration |