1. Summary
When a library requests material from a vendor, OLE expects the the pricing information along with the bibliographic data to be sent in paired files. The first file is of type .mrc that contains bibliographic information and a second file is of type .edi that contains the transactional information such as price, quantity etc. OLE then takes the paired files and persists the bib information in docstore along with the transactional information in the form of an OLE Requisition(s) and an OLE Purchase Order(s) through a process called Ingest. During ingest there are rules and workflows that may need to be applied and could differ for libraries depending on the various vendors and hence the concept of a "Profile" was introduced.
Profile(s) is a simple set of rules and actions along with default values that are needed for a successful ingest. The current implementation of a building an OLE Profile uses the Kuali Rules Management System (KRMS) where the different rules and actions are stored in the rules repository.