Unknown macro: {gliffy}
This page can be used as "sandbox" for Gliffy Diagrams for Spec Teams as needed.
- Permissions-based.
- Primarily for team analysts, and available to others as needed. Email kgerdink@kuali.org.
- Have this page open.
- Make sure you are logged into Confluence (upper right- do you see your name? If not, click on "Log in".
- Go to "Add" menu, and select "Gliffy Diagram".
- Use Gliffy tool to create workflow diagrams and others.
- Upon "save" of draft diagram, the file will be saved in Confluence and Image will be saved in sandbox.
- Please name any drawings by Team, Subject, Date, title.
- For help:
- Unknown macro: {html}
<A href=" http://www.gliffy.com/products/confluence-plugin/" mce_href=" http://www.gliffy.com/products/confluence-plugin/" target="_Blank"> Gliffy.com</A>
- Unknown macro: {html}
<A href=" http://www.gliffy.com/blog/user-manual/" mce_href=" http://www.gliffy.com/blog/user-manual/" target="_Blank"> Confluence help- Gliffy addin and User Guide</A>