Draft in progress. Content and decisions to be added over time.
OLE will revise and formalize an approach to user interface design, standards and user experience to be used in development of OLE for OLE 1.0 and beyond.
Kuali OLE partners will be included throughout the process:
- Philosophy
- Design Principles
- Design Prototypes
- Menu and Portal prototypes
- Landing Pages
- Style Guide
- User Testing
- Codeable Spec and Mockup Reviews
- Teams
- Quality Assurance
- Accessibility
- Integrating OLE-FS (post 1.0)
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<A href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US
" mce_href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US
" target="_Blank">OLE UX Planning</A>
(link to Google Docs)