This document outlines the requirements and workflows needed to integrate Alma with the DCB service to support Alma bibliographic data ingestion, patron verification, request placement, circulation tracking, and request finalization in OpenRS.
Alma operator-assigned blocks
System-assigned blocks (limits)
Overdue blocks due to an overdue item (punitive blocks)
Active patron blocks can be retrieved using the Alma User API > Get user details > user_blocks endpoint. Details can be found here.
: code of user block type
Check for Patron Blocks
GET /almaws/v1/users/{user_id}
Key Field:
: Provides details about active blocks on the user's account.
Example Request:
Code Block |
GET https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/users/12345678?apikey={your_api_key} |
Example Response:
Code Block |
"primary_id": "12345678",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"user_block": [
"block_type": "General",
"description": "User has overdue items",
"status": "Active"
"user_status": "Active"
} |
Details can be found here.
Place Requests
Place request at lending agency
Before placing DCB request at the in Alma as a lending agency, a virtual patron needs to be found or created in Alma.
A virtual patron in Alma can be created by using the Rest user Create a User API. The mandatory fields for this API are as follows:
POST /almaws/v1/users
The minimum required fields are primary_id
, first_name
, last_name
, and user_group
The primary identifier of the userAccountfirst_name
: User's first name.last_name
: User's last name.account_type:
(optional): Used in fulfillment policieslast_name
: Used in displays and search(which one to choose or DCB should create)
For more details on creating a user, refer to Create user
Search for a user in Alma
Retrieve User API allows to look up a user by their primary ID, barcode, or email address.
GET /almaws/v1/users/{user_id}
: The user's unique identifier in Alma. This can be their primary ID, barcode, or email address.
Creating an item-level request in Alma
Create a Request API allows to create an Item-level requests can be created using the Rest User request API. Key parameters and mandatory fields include:
Bib/Holding/Item ID
: The bibliographic, holding, or item ID.
POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items/{item_pid}/requests
Required Parameters
: The unique identifier of the bibliographic record.holding_id
: The ID of the holding record associated with the item.item_pid
: The unique identifier of the physical item.
Key parameters and mandatory fields include:
The ID of the requesting user.Mandatory Fields:
: HOLDpickup_location_type
: LIBRARYpickup_location_library
: The pickup location library code. (Note: Alma does not provide a direct API endpoint to create pickup locations dynamically. Pickup locations are defined and configured in the Alma interface by library administrators.)material_type
(optional): Used in fulfillment policies.request_status: Not Started (Enum: [In Process, On Hold Shelf, Not Started, History])
Hold request example
Code Block |
POST https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/123456789/holdings/987654321/items/567890123/requests?apikey={your_api_key}
"user_primary_id": "patron123",
"request_type": "HOLD",
"pickup_location_type": "LIBRARY",
"pickup_location_library": "Main Library",
"comment": "Requesting for research purposes."
} |
For more details on creating a request for an item, refer to Create request for an Item
A virtual item in Alma can be created by using the following APIs:
Create an Item API allows to add an item to a specific bibliographic record and holding
Mandatory Fields:
The actual record
: XML string describing the recordrecord_format:
Default is marc21suppress_from_publishing
: default is true
POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items
Required Parameters:
Bib record IDmms_id
:Mandatory Fields:
The actual record
: XML string describing the recordsuppress_from_publishing
: tbd
The unique identifier of the bibliographic record.
: The ID of the holding record where the item will be added.
Key Fields:
: Interlibrary Loanlocation
Creating an item-level request
Item-level requests can be created using the Rest User Request API. Key parameters and mandatory fields include:
Bib/Holding/Item ID
: The bibliographic, holding, or item ID.User_id
: The ID of the requesting user.
Mandatory Fields:
: HOLDpickup_location_type
: LIBRARYpickup_location_library
: The pickup location library code.material_type
(optional): Used in fulfillment policies.
: The item's shelving location
: The library where the item is located.
Example request:
Code Block |
POST https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/123456789/holdings/987654321/items?apikey={your_api_key}
Content-Type: application/json
"item_data": {
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"policy": "Standard Loan",
"library": {
"value": "MAIN"
"location": {
"value": "GEN"
"physical_material_type": {
"value": "BOOK"
"description": "Hardcover edition",
"enumeration_a": "Vol. 1"
} |
Barcodes must be unique across Alma. If the barcode already exists, the request will fail
Library and location codes must match valid configurations in Alma.
should correspond to existing records.
For more details on creating an item, refer to Create Item.
Create a Bibliographic Record API
API Endpoint
POST /almaws/v1/bibs
Key Fields:
The MARC XML structure should follow the standard MARC21 format.
: default is true
For more details on creating a bibliographic record, refer to Create record
Create a Holding Record API
API Endpoint
POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings
: Bib record ID
Key Fields:
The actual record
: XML string describing the recordsuppress_from_publishing
: tbd
For more details on creating a holding record, refer to Create holding record
Circulate Requests
Circulation tracking and reaction (lending)
Lifecycle | Given | When | Then |
Dispatched by Supplying Library Trigger: Manual action in Alma - Scan in items |
| DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at
| Trigger DCB
Received at Pickup Library |
| DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at
| Trigger
Item Checked Out to Patron at Pickup Library |
| DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at
| Trigger
Item Returned by Borrowing Patron |
| DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at either
| Trigger
Received Back at Lending Agency Trigger: Manual action in Alma - Return items |
| DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at either
| Trigger
Workflow diagram
1. Placing the request
When a patron places a DCB request, it goes through initial checks and follows the sequence of status transitions (more details https://openlibraryfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IYAZqw) :
DCB Status Transition:
Alma status updates:
Request type: Patron physical item request
Process status: New (Not started)
Item Status: "Item in place" (indicating the item is currently available on the shelf)
2. Item is sent out to the borrowing agency
Alma updates:
Request status: In progress
Item status: Transit
DCB status transition:
Transaction status changes on PICKUP_TRANSIT
3. Item received in borrowing agency:
DCB status transition:
Transaction status changes to RECEIVED_AT_PICKUP > READY_FOR_PICKUP
Alma updates:
No status updates
4. Item is loaned in borrowing agency:
DCB status transition:
Transaction status changes to LOANED
A loan is created in Alma.
Alma status updates:
Request status: In progress
Item status: Loan
Loan is created
Alma loan creation
To create the loan in Alma, the Rest Item Loan API is used with the following parameters and fields:
Alma loan creation
Create Loan API allows to create a loan record for a patron.
API Endpoint
POST /almaws/v1/loans
The barcode of the item being loaned.patron_id:
The ID of the requesting user.item_pid
: Item ID or barcode must be supplied
patron who is borrowing the item.
Key Fields:
: Circulation desk code(DCB parameter?)library
: Library code responsible for the loan(lending agency?)request_id
Example Request
Basic Loan Request:
Code Block |
POST https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/loans?apikey={your_api_key}
Content-Type: application/json
"item_barcode": "1234567890123",
"patron_id": "987654321",
"due_date": "2024-12-18"
} |
Loan with Policy:
Code Block |
http POST https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/loans?apikey={your_api_key} Content-Type: application/json { "item_barcode": "1234567890123", "patron_id": "987654321", "loan_policy": { "value": "Regular" } } |
For more details on creating a loan, refer to Create user loan
5. Item returned at the borrowing library
DCB status transition:
Alma updates:
No status updates
6. Item returned to the lending library (scan item at lending library):
Alma status updates:
Request status: Closed?
Item status: Item in place
Loan is closed
DCB status transition:
Transaction status changes to COMPLETED
Circulation tracking and reaction (borrowing)
In Alma, request cancellation can be performed automatically by REST API, manually in Alma by a staff member.
Cancel user request by API
API key parameters and mandatory fields include:
: The ID of the requesting user.request_id
: A unique identifier of the request that should be canceled.
Mandatory Fields:
: CancelledAtPatronRequest
For more details on cancellation request by API can be found here
Cancel user request manually in Alma
Circulation tracking and reaction (borrowing)
Common Request Closure Statuses in Alma
Completed. The request has been successfully fulfilled.
Canceled. The request has been canceled, either manually by a user/staff member or automatically by the system.
Expired. The request has expired without being fulfilled, based on library-defined expiration rules.
Rejected. The request was rejected by library staff or the system due to eligibility, policy, or technical reasons.
Failed. The request could not be fulfilled due to a failure in the process.
Hold Shelf Expired. The item was placed on the hold shelf but was not picked up within the designated time frame.
Retrieving Request Closure Status via API
GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/requests
Example Request:
Code Block |
GET https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/123456789/requests?apikey={your_api_key} |
Key Fields in Response:
: Shows the current or final status of the request.expiry_date
: Indicates the expiration date, if applicable.pickup_location
: Provides the location where the item was to be picked up.
Example Response:
Code Block |
"total_record_count": 2,
"requests": [
"request_id": "12345",
"request_status": "Completed",
"expiry_date": "2024-11-30T23:59:00Z",
"pickup_location": "Main Library"
"request_id": "67890",
"request_status": "Canceled",
"expiry_date": null,
"pickup_location": "Science Library"
Cancel a request in Alma via the API
DELETE /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/requests/{request_id}
Required Parameters
: The bibliographic record ID of the item for which the request was made.request_id
: The unique identifier of the request to be canceled.
Required Parameters
: The bibliographic record ID of the item for which the request was made.request_id
: The unique identifier of the request to be canceled.
Example Request
Code Block |
DELETE https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/123456789/requests/987654321?reason=User%20no%20longer%20needs%20item&apikey={your_api_key} |