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Location Status Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Access Method Location Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Location Status Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Access Method Location Status record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Access Method Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Access Method record.
b. Participants:OleLocationStatusMaintenanceDocument.xml
c. Framework: Rice2.x3
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Access MethodLocation Status
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Access MethodLocation Status
- User - Can view the Access MethodLocation Status
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Access Method
Location Status
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve7
8. Data Model:The DM for Access Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
5) Acquisition Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Acquisition Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Acquisition Method Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Acquisition Method record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Acquisition Method Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Acquisition Method record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Acquisition Method
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Acquisition Method
- User - Can view the Acquisition Method
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Acquisition Method
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
8. Data Model:The DM for Acquisition Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleLocationStatus" table="ole_cat_loc_status_t">
<field-descriptor name="locationStatusId" column="LOC_STATUS_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_loc_status_s" />
<field-descriptor name="locationStatusCode" column="LOC_STATUS_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="locationStatusName" column="LOC_STATUS_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Location Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
2) Type of Ownership Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Completeness Type of Ownership information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Type Of Ownership Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Completeness Type Of Ownership record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Completeness record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for CompletenessType Of Ownership
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for CompletenessforType Of Ownership
- User - Can view the CompletenessType Of Ownership
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Type Of Ownership
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
8. Data Model:The DM for Location Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
7) ELA Relationship Document Technical Specification
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ELA Relationship information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. ElARelationship Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing ElARelationship record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. ElARelationship Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing ElARelationship record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship
- User - Can view the ElARelationship
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleTypeOfOwnership" table="OLE_CAT_TYPE_OWNERSHIP_T">
<field-descriptor name="typeOfOwnershipId" column="TYPE_OWNERSHIP_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_TYPE_OWNERSHIP_S" />
<field-descriptor name="typeOfOwnershipCode" column="TYPE_OWNERSHIP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="typeOfOwnershipName" column="TYPE_OWNERSHIP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Type Of Ownership is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
Action Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Encoding Level Action information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Action Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Encoding Level Action record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. EncodingLevel Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Encoding Level record.
b. Participants:OleActionMaintenanceDocument.xml
c. Framework: Rice2.x3
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding LevelAction
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding LevelAction
- User - Can view the Encoding LevelAction
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Encoding Level Action
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve7
8. Data Model:The DM for EncodingLevel is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
9) Field Encoding Level Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Field encoding level information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Field Encoding Level Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Field Encoding Level record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Field Encoding Level Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Field Encoding Level record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level
- User - Can view the Field Encoding Level
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Field Encoding Level
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
7. Services
8. Data Model:The DM for Field Encoding Level is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleAction" table="OLE_CAT_ACTION_T">
<field-descriptor name="actionId" column="ACTION_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_ACTION_S" />
<field-descriptor name="actionCode" column="ACTION_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="actionName" column="ACTION_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="actionDescription" column="ACTION_DESC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Action is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
4) Access Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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General Retention Access Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Access Method Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing General Retention Policy Access Method record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Country Codes Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing General Retention Policy record.
b. Participants:OleAccessMethodMaintenanceDocument.xml
c. Framework: Rice2.x3
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention PolicyAccess Method
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention PolicyAccess Method
- User - Can view the General Retention Policy
- Access Method
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
General Retention Policy
Access Method
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve7
8. Data Model:The DM for General Retention Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
12) Notation Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Notation Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Notation Type Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Notation Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Notation Type Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Notation Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type
- User - Can view the Notation Type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Notation Type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleAccessMethod" table="OLE_CAT_ACCS_MTHD_T">
<field-descriptor name="accessMethodId" column="ACCS_MTHD_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_ACCS_MTHD_S" />
<field-descriptor name="accessMethodCode" column="ACCS_MTHD_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="accessMethodName" column="ACCS_MTHD_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Access Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
Acquisition Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Privacy Acquisition Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Acquisition Method Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Privacy Acquisition Method record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Privacy Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Privacy record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for PrivacyAcquisition Method
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for PrivacyAcquisition Method
- User - Can view the PrivacyAcquisition Method
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Acquisition Method
Privacy a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
8. Data Model:The DM for Privacy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
14) Receipt Status Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Receipt Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Receipt Status Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Receipt Status record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Receipt Status Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Receipt Status record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status
- User - Can view the Receipt Status
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Receipt Status
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
8. Data Model:The DM for Receipt Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
21) Instance Item Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
title | Jira |
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleAcquisitionMethod" table="OLE_CAT_ACQ_MTHD_T">
<field-descriptor name="acquisitionMethodId" column="ACQ_MTHD_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_ACQ_MTHD_S" />
<field-descriptor name="acquisitionMethodCode" column="ACQ_MTHD_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="acquisitionMethodName" column="ACQ_MTHD_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Acquisition Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
6) Completeness Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Instance Item Type Completeness information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
Completeness Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Instance Item Type Completeness record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Instance Item Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item TypeCompleteness
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item TypeCompleteness
- User - Can view the Instance Item TypeCompleteness
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Instance Item Type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
8. Data Model:The DM for Instance Item Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
22) Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Specific Retention Policy Type Unit information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Maintenance (Create/Update)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Specific Retention Policy Type Unit record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Specific Retention Policy Type Unit record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
- User - Can view the Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleCompleteness" table="OLE_CAT_CMPLT_T">
<field-descriptor name="completenessId" column="CMPLT_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_CMPLT_S"/>
<field-descriptor name="completenessCode" column="CMPLT_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="completenessName" column="CMPLT_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Completeness is going to reside in the Rice2.x
7) ELA Relationship Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Source of Term ELA Relationship information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
ElARelationship Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Source Of Term ElARelationship record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Source Of Term record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
3. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source Of Term
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source Of Term
- User - Can view the Source Of Term
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Source Of Term
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
7. Services
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship
- User - Can view the ElARelationship
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleElectronicLocationAndAccessRelationship" table="OLE_CAT_ELA_RLSHP_T">
<field-descriptor name="elaRelationshipId" column="ELE_RLSHP_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_ELA_RLSHP_S"/>
<field-descriptor name="elaRelationshipCode" column="ELE_RLSHP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="elaRelationshipName" column="ELE_RLSHP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for ElARelationship is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
8) Encoding Level Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Encoding Level information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. EncodingLevel Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Encoding Level record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding Level
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding Level
- User - Can view the Encoding Level
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Encoding Level
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleEncodingLevel" table="OLE_CAT_ENCD_LVL_T">
<field-descriptor name="encodingLevelId" column="ENCD_LVL_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_ENCD_LVL_S"/>
<field-descriptor name="encodingLevelCode" column="ENCD_LVL_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="encodingLevelName" column="ENCD_LVL_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for EncodingLevel is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
9) Field Encoding Level Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Field encoding level information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Field Encoding Level Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Field Encoding Level record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level
- User - Can view the Field Encoding Level
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Field Encoding Level
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleFieldEncodingLevel" table="OLE_CAT_FLD_ENCD_LVL_T">
<field-descriptor name="fieldEncodingLevelId" column="FLD_ENCD_LVL_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_FLD_ENCD_LVL_S"/>
<field-descriptor name="fieldEncodingLevelCode" column="FLD_ENCD_LVL_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="fieldEncodingLevelName" column="FLD_ENCD_LVL_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Field Encoding Level is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
10) General Retention Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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General Retention information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. General Retention Policy Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing General Retention Policy record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention Policy
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention Policy
- User - Can view the General Retention Policy
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
General Retention Policy
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleGeneralRetentionPolicy" table="OLE_CAT_GEN_RTN_POL_T">
<field-descriptor name="generalRetentionPolicyId" column="GEN_RTN_POL_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_GEN_RTN_POL_S"/>
<field-descriptor name="generalRetentionPolicyCode" column="GEN_RTN_POL_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="generalRetentionPolicyName" column="GEN_RTN_POL_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for General Retention Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
11) Lending Policy Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Lending Policy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Lending Policy Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Lending Policy record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Lending Policy
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Lending Policy
- User - Can view the Lending Policy
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Lending Policy
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleLendingPolicy" table="OLE_CAT_LND_POL_T">
<field-descriptor name="lendingPolicyId" column="LND_POL_ID " jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" index="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_LND_POL_s "></field-descriptor>
<field-descriptor name="lendingPolicyCode" column="LND_POL_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"></field-descriptor>
<field-descriptor name="lendingPolicyName" column="LND_POL_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"></field-descriptor>
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"></field-descriptor>
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE"></field-descriptor>
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Lending Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
12) Notation Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Notation Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Notation Type Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Notation Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type
- User - Can view the Notation Type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Notation Type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleNotationType" table="ole_cat_ntn_typ_t">
<field-descriptor name="notationTypeId" column="NTN_TYP_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_ntn_typ_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="notationTypeCode" column="NTN_TYP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="notationTypeName" column="NTN_TYP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Notation Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
13) Privacy Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Privacy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Privacy Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Privacy record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Privacy
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Privacy
- User - Can view the Privacy
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OlePrivacy" table="ole_cat_prvcy_t">
<field-descriptor name="privacyId" column="PRVCY_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_prvcy_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="privacyCode" column="PRVCY_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="privacyName" column="PRVCY_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Privacy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
14) Receipt Status Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Receipt Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Receipt Status Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Receipt Status record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status
- User - Can view the Receipt Status
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Receipt Status
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleReceiptStatus" table="ole_cat_rcpt_stat_t">
<field-descriptor name="receiptStatusId" column="RCPT_STAT_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_rcpt_stat_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="receiptStatusCode" column="RCPT_STAT_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="receiptStatusName" column="RCPT_STAT_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Receipt Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
15) Record Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Record Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Record Type Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Record Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Record Type
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Record Type
- User - Can view the Record Type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Record Type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleRecordType" table="OLE_CAT_REC_TYP_T">
<field-descriptor name="recordTypeId" column="REC_TYP_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_REC_TYP_S" />
<field-descriptor name="recordTypeCode" column="REC_TYP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="recordTypeName" column="REC_TYP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Record Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
16) Reproduction Policy Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Reproduction Policy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Reproduction Policy Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Reproduction Policy record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Reproduction Policy
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Reproduction Policy
- User - Can view the Reproduction Policy
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Reproduction Policy
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleReproductionPolicy" table="OLE_CAT_REPRO_POL_T">
<field-descriptor name="reproductionPolicyId" column="REPRO_POL_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_REPRO_POL_S" />
<field-descriptor name="reproductionPolicyCode" column="REPRO_POL_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="reproductionPolicyName" column="REPRO_POL_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Reproduction Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
17) Shelving Order Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Shelving Order information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Shelving Order Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Order record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Order
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Order
- User - Can view the Shelving Order
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Shelving Order
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleShelvingOrder" table="OLE_CAT_SHVLG_ORD_T">
<field-descriptor name="shelvingOrderId" column="SHVLG_ORD_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_SHVLG_ORD_S" />
<field-descriptor name="shelvingOrderCode" column="SHVLG_ORD_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="shelvingOrderName" column="SHVLG_ORD_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Shelving Order is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
18) Shelving Schema Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Shelving Schema information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Shelving Schema Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Schema record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Schema
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Schema
- User - Can view the Shelving Schema
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Shelving Schema
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleShelvingScheme" table="OLE_CAT_SHVLG_SCHM_T">
<field-descriptor name="shelvingSchemeId" column="SHVLG_SCHM_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_SHVLG_SCHM_S" />
<field-descriptor name="shelvingSchemeCode" column="SHVLG_SCHM_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="shelvingSchemeName" column="SHVLG_SCHM_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Shelving Schema is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
19) Separate or Composite Report Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Separate or Composite Report information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Separate or Composite Report Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Separate or Composite Report record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Separate or Composite Report
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Separate or Composite Report
- User - Can view the Separate or Composite Report
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Separate or Composite Report
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleSeperateOrCompositeReport" table="OLE_CAT_SPCP_RPT_T">
<field-descriptor name="seperateOrCompositeReportId" column="SPCP_RPT_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_SPCP_RPT_S" />
<field-descriptor name="seperateOrCompositeReportCode" column="SPCP_RPT_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="seperateOrCompositeReportName" column="SPCP_RPT_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Separate or Composite Report is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
20) Retention Policy Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Retention Policy Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Retention Policy Type Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Retention Policy Type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Retention Policy Type
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Retention Policy Type
- User - Can view the Retention Policy Type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Retention Policy Type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleSpecificRetentionPolicyType" table="OLE_CAT_SPFC_RTN_POL_TYP_T">
<field-descriptor name="specificRetentionPolicyTypeId" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_TYP_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_SPFC_RTN_POL_TYP_S" />
<field-descriptor name="specificRetentionPolicyTypeCode" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_TYP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="specificRetentionPolicyTypeName" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_TYP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Retention Policy Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
21) Instance Item type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Instance Item type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Instance Item type Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Instance Item type record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item type
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item type
- User - Can view the Instance Item type
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Instance Item type
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleInstanceItemType" table="ole_cat_itm_typ_t">
<field-descriptor name="instanceItemTypeId" column="ITM_TYP_CD_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_itm_typ_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="instanceItemTypeCode" column="ITM_TYP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="instanceItemTypeName" column="ITM_TYP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="instanceItemTypeDesc" column="ITM_TYP_DESC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Instance Item type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
22) Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Maintenance Document Technical Specification
Info | ||
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Info | ||
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Specific Retention Policy Type Unit information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Specific Retention Policy Type Unit record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
- User - Can view the Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Specific Retention Policy Type Unit
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleSpecificRetentionPolicyTypeUnit" table="ole_cat_spfc_rtn_pol_unt_typ_t">
<field-descriptor name="specificPolicyUnitTypeId" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_UNT_TYP_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_spfc_rtn_pol_unt_typ_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="specificPolicyUnitTypeCode" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_UNT_TYP_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="specificPolicyUnitTypeName" column="SPFC_RTN_POL_UNT_TYP_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
23) Source of Term Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Source of Term information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Source of Term Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Source of Term record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source of Term
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source of Term
- User - Can view the Source of Term
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Source of Term
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleSourceOfTerm" table="ole_cat_src_trm_t">
<field-descriptor name="sourceOfTermId" column="SRC_TRM_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_src_trm_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="sourceOfTermCode" column="SRC_TRM_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceOfTermName" column="SRC_TRM_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Source of Term is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
24) Statistical Searching Codes Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Statistical Searching Codes information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Statistical Searching Codes Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Statistical Searching Codes record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Statistical Searching Codes
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Statistical Searching Codes
- User - Can view the Statistical Searching Codes
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Statistical Searching Codes
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleStatisticalSearchingCodes" table="OLE_CAT_STAT_SRCH_CD_T">
<field-descriptor name="statisticalSearchingCodeId" column="STAT_SRCH_CD_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_STAT_SRCH_CD_S" />
<field-descriptor name="statisticalSearchingCode" column="STAT_SRCH_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="statisticalSearchingName" column="STAT_SRCH_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Statistical Searching Codes is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
25) Country Codes Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Info | ||
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Country Codes information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
1. Country Codes Maintenance (Create/Update/Search)
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Country Codes record.
b. Participants:
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Security
OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs
a. Roles:
- OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Country Codes
- Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Country Codes
- User - Can view the Country Codes
b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:
Country Codes
a) Create
b) Edit
c) View(Inquiry)
d) Blanket Approve
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="org.kuali.ole.catalog.bo.OleCountryCodes" table="OLE_CAT_LOC_COUNTRY_CD_T">
<field-descriptor name="countryCodeId" column="LOC_COUNTRY_CD_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="OLE_CAT_LOC_COUNTRY_CD_S" />
<field-descriptor name="countryCode" column="LOC_COUNTRY_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="countryName" column="LOC_COUNTRY_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="countryRegionName" column="LOC_COUNTRY_REGION_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="countryNameSequence" column="LOC_COUNTRY_SEQUENCE_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" />
<field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" />
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
4. Services
5. Data Model:The DM for Country Codes is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema