June 19, 2012
- Patron Handoff
- Patron Handoff OLE-1423
- Current PM Focus
- Meeting Inventory and Review
- Some may go
- Scope Meeting until required again - back to FC
- Product Owner meeting - Core team issues rolled through PM to FC
- Steering meeting - Vision and new functionality should be brought through FC
- Some may be formed
- OLE Core Tech Team
- Technical Council
- Some may go
- Moving development efffort to a modular team effort
- Work with Functional Chair / HTC
- Exposure during entire dev process
- Monday is a day of stability (BA/QA review before handoff to TT?)
- HTC demos occur during TT meetings
- Project Status Reports
- Meeting Inventory and Review
- Several technical issues (see: wiki technical documentation pages- multiple for below)
Task Name
OLE Technical Sustainability (OLE/KFS/RICE)
Write up and present to technical folks
KFS 5.0 Upgrade
First to Second week of July we may be able to get code
OLE-3016 (JK) and OLE-2728 (roadmap)Rice 1.x & 2.0 Merge
KRAD and KNS for now - Follow up with Tech Team
Ingest of Legacy Data
White up ready for review?
Unicon Performance Analysis
Need to follow up with vendor
UI/UX - Roadmap - OLE w/KRAD 2.0 - OLEFS w/KFS/KNS 1.x)
To be scheduled
Doc Store - Search / Indexing Infrastructure issues
Scheduled discussion next week
Service Oriented Framework Expectation from Mike Winkler
Follow up with Tech Team
- Germany requesting support with an 0.6 installation - how are we going to support - community listservs-Mike Winkler setting up. PER KATHY: we have two listservs already, technical and functional collab list.
- OLE has two listservs- ole.functional.collab@kuali.org for functional; ole.collab@kuali.org for technical/install.
- ARC/TRC/KAI - Reporting and follow up
- KGerdink- KAI Meeting Notes
- KTI- Nianli
- ARC/TRC- Chris, Gary
ALA Demos this weekend. Refresh occurring tomorrow for demo.
Next Meeting
- Doc Store Search
- Bib only search built
- What is the architecture and is it the way we want to go
- Instance Data Model
- QA needs instance data loaded to TEST
- We need IU data mapping of instance data (Gary/Mechael)
- John will be able to provide data load https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE-2873
- Once mapping is available it will take about a week for John to complete
- Provide brief instance record with required fields and provide a more robust record later.
- Provide a jira with the details and players of making this happen. (PATTY)
- See outstanding Docstore/Instance (working doc) and jira OLE--2873