Shortcut to Mapping:
Kuali Docs (Home):
Search: "Kuali Shared"
Image Removed
Click on "OLE"
Option 1: Click on "OLE" . OLE and all its sub-folders (collections) will now be accessible via your "Starred Folder".
Image Removed
What you need to do:
As soon as possible, it is important to re-map your "My Collections" or "Starred" folders to Kuali Shared> OLE. It is up to you if you map all the files and navigate to those you use regularly, or, you might "star" OLE so it will appear in the "starred list", then click through to folders of interest, and add only those to "My Collections".
Jaine has created a document on mapping your collections, and I also recommend the "Google Docs 2011 Beginner Tutorial Video" and "File Organization in Google Docs-Tutorial" on the website (I cannot advocate your use of these outside videos, but I believe they would be helpful to Googledocs beginners, and safe to run).
Additional assistance:
OLE Teams & Tools (with links to new Google Docs folders)
FSpec tools & Google tips
Email: or
Kuali Help: Google Apps
Kuali Toolset
What you need to know:
We are in the process of numerous maintenance activities on OLE Google Docs to reorganize files around related-OLE Processes, clean up file permissions and access, and deleting duplicate or unused files. Please read this email in its entirety and use the attached and review the following, and any linked resources to enable you to navigate the new OLE Google Docs file structure.
While we are moving around the linking of collections, each document and collection's collection’s hyperlinks do not change, so any shared links or navigation will persist. Moving between collections isn't really "moving" isn’t really “moving” but just "sharing" “sharing” within a new Collection structure. To learn more: Google Docs Collections.
- OLE Development Sprints: this "collection" “collection” is being retired over the next two weeks and will be deleted!
- All the file folders or "collections" “collections” within this folder are being reorganized to fit into a long-term plan and organization within OLE Process folders. The individual folders will be maintained with whatever file organization you are used to working in. Just the primary spec folders will show up in a different collection:
- OLE > OLE Development Sprints > 02 Team Sturgis and 07 Trials......moving to...... Trials……moving to…… OLE> OLE MANAGE ENTITY RELATIONSHIPS > 02 Team Sturgis and 07 Trials
- OLE> OLE Development Sprints > 11 Describe-basic1 ….. ... moving to ...... …… OLE> OLE DESCRIBE & MANAGE > 11 Describe-basic1 (inc. editor)
- OLE > OLE Development Sprints > 13 Deliver-Circulation, 14 Deliver- Interlibrary Loan, 15 Deliver- Course ReserveReserve….....moving to OLE> OLE DELIVER > 13 Deliver-Circulation, 14 Deliver- Interlibrary Loan, 15 Deliver- Course Reserve
- OLE > OLE Development Sprints > (Darby, Order Resource, Receive, Pay, Redwood, Serials, Financial, Workflows, Load Records, etc)….....moving to......OLE moving to……OLE > OLE SELECT & ACQUIRE> (Darby, Order Resource, Receive, Pay, Redwood, Serials, Financial, Workflows, Load Records, etc)
- The new Tiger Team folders will show up in the related Process folder for each focus area, grouped with the above related spec-team folders and resources: DESCRIBE & MANAGE, DELIVER, MANAGE ENTITY RELATIONSHIPS, MANAGE USER RELATIONSHIPS, SELECT & ACQUIRE, plus SYSTEMS INTEGRATION, and SCOPE TIGER TEAM.
- Scope Tiger Team is linked via main OLE directory list, but also from within Functional Council, for convenience and sharing.
- Other OLE folders remain unchanged or un-moved (functional council, technical council, workgroups, core team), with minimal file cleanup and reorganization and maintenance internal to the respective files.
- SLICK is unchanged (but supplementally linked within Manage Entity Relationships).
What you need to do:
As soon as possible, it is important to re-map your “My Collections” or “Starred” folders to Kuali Shared> OLE. It is up to you if you map all the files and navigate to those you use regularly, or, you might “star” OLE so it will appear in the “starred list”, then click through to folders of interest, and add only those to “My Collections”.
Jaine has created a document on
Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href=" " mce_href=" " target="_Blank"><STRONG>mapping your collections</STRONG></A>{html} |
, and I also recommend the “Google Docs 2011 Beginner Tutorial Video” and “File Organization in Google Docs-Tutorial” on the
Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href=" " target="_Blank"><STRONG> website </STRONG></A>{html} |
(I cannot advocate your use of these outside videos, but I believe they would be helpful to Googledocs beginners, and safe to run).
Additional assistance:
OLE Teams & Tools (with links to new Google Docs folders)
FSpec tools & Google tips
Email: (mailto: or (mailto:
Shortcut to Mapping:
Kuali Docs (Home):
Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href=" " target="_Blank"><STRONG> Kuali Google Docs </STRONG></A>{html} |
Search: "Kuali Shared"
Image Added
Click on "OLE"
Option 1: Click on "OLE" . OLE and all its sub-folders (collections) will now be accessible via your "Starred Folder".
Image Added
Option 2: Click on OLE to go to next folder level to see the following:
Select only those files you will need (do not link OLE HTC Development Documents, OLE Core Team, SLICK)- make sure to uncheck OLE Development Sprints, and that any new folders are checked.
Image Added
After selecting folders, check the box "My Collections" and Apply. You should now see all the marked folders in My Collections. Alternatively, you could first drill-down in one of the primary folders, like Select & Acquire, find the desired folder, right click- Organize, and just add individual folders to "My Collections".
Image Added
Introduction to new organization: Select & Acquire Example
Image Added
Shortcuts to Google Docs folders
Who | New Location | Google Docs |
OLE Communications | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Core Team | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
01 Team Darby (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Data Model (workgroup) | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Deliver Tiger Team | Deliver | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
13 Deliver Circulation (specs) | Deliver | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
15 Deliver Course Reserves (specs) | Deliver | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
14 Deliver InterLibrary Loan (specs) | Deliver | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
11 Describe-basic (specs)-inc Editors | Describe/ Manage | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
12 Financial Integrations | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Functional Council | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE KFS (eval/specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
09 Load Records | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Describe & Manage Tiger Team | Describe/ Manage | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Manage Entity Relationship/ERMS Tiger Team | MER | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Manage User Relationship Tiger Team | MUR | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
03 Order Resource (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html} <A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
05 Pay for Item/Invoicing (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
04 Receive Resource (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
06 Redwood/Budget (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Select & Acquire Tiger Team | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
10 Serials (1) (specs) | Select/Acquire | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
02 Sturgis/pre-licensing (specs) | MER | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Systems Integration Tiger Team | Systems Integration | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Technical Council | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
07 Trials (specs) | MER | Wiki Markup |
{html} <A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE User Stories (workgroup) | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE Workflows (workgroup) | n/c | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
New Primary Specification/Scoping Folders
| Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
| Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE MER/Manage Entity Relationships |
| Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE MUR/Manage User Relationships |
| Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
| Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION | (no teams) | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |
OLE SCOPE (roadmap)/Tiger Team | (standalone & linked to FC) | Wiki Markup |
{html}<A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"></A>{html} |