Versions Compared


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This space page provides information , links and files that describes the technical architecture of OLE Cataloging documents (Bib, Instance) and, workflows; metadata; Editors; and, document policy and permissions.

We will continue to develop and modify the information as Kuali OLE continues to evolve.

DESCRIBE Documentation


  • Perform Bound-with
  • Delete Instance

    and links related to the functionality of Describe module in OLE till the latest release.


    Table of Contents


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-262419.01.01 Web Document Editor: Bib MARC (gaps reported from release 0.6)    
    0.8OLE-2555Instance Editor    
    0.8OLE-255715.05.01 Create and Edit Instance & Item  OLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-DetailedDesign
    0.8OLE-298019.03.04 Instance Schema for OLE 0.8, version 9    
    0.8OLE-3665Instance Editor Locations too hard to input    
    0.8OLE-3739Instance Editor Item note only allows one    
    0.8OLE-3873Must have unique item barcodes    
    0.8OLE-3902Move Number of Pieces to Item Information Section    
    0.8OLE-273715.14 Delete Bib, Instance, and Item  OLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-DetailedDesign
    0.8OLE-3952Instance shows "New Item" and you have to delete    
    0.8OLE-3954Instance Editor call no prefix not showing in left pane    
    0.8OLE-3993Sorting Items in Left Pane Display    
    1.0OLE-2674Bib Editor EnhancementsOLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-UseCases OLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-DetailedDesign
    1.0OLE-3551Staff Only Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Records (hide from public display)OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItems-UseCases OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-DetailedDesign
    1.0OLE-2685Record Donor Info    
    1.0OLE-3698Want to edit Location, Call no info on Item screen    
    1.0OLE-4001Instance URLs entered in holdings or item should be clickable    
    1.0OLE-4014 Instance item delete should not automatically delete holdings and bib    
    1.0OLE-4334Instance Holdings needs a copy number field    
    1.5OLE-2677Clickable URLs    
    1.5OLE-2679Clone Instance & ItemOLE-Describe-2679-CloneInstanceItem-UseCases   
    1.5OLE-2686Global changes to InstanceOLE-Describe-2686-GlobalChangesToInstance-UseCases   
    1.5OLE-3267Item Attached to Multiple Instances (Analytics)    
    1.5OLE-4697Serials received issues should display on Holdings    
    1.5OLE-4706Editor Holding note text block too small    



    OLE-5141Need "copy number" field for single-copy REQ lines    

    Bib Editor Enhancements


    1.5OLE-5211Editor slow when there are many items    
    1.5OLE-5323Publisher information display change in PURAP documents    


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    1.5OLE-4287OLE Search - Framework Enhancements - 1.5    



    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-266715.11 Sort Call NumbersOLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-UseCases OLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-DetailedDesign


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-255819.03.01 Instance- Location Maintenance Docs & Relationships    
    0.8OLE-264315.23 Bib Status  OLE-Describe-2643-BibStatus-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2643-BibStatus-DetailedDesign
    0.8OLE-280619.03.02  Instance- Maintenance Docs & Relationships    
    0.8OLE-4015Update persisting Locations data    
    0.8OLE-4023Call number type maintenance doc: cleanup needed in UI    
    0.8OLE-4027UI cleanup: Change "Instance Item Type" maintenance doc to just "Item Type".    


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-2848 Location    
    1.5OLE-4230Location administration: Cumbersome display on "Ole location" administration summary screen    

    Import Single Bib

    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-273215.09 Import Single Record - Bibs, InstanceImport-bib_desc-Use-Cases OLE-Describe-2732-Import-Bib-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2732-ImportBib-DetailedDesign
    0.8OLE-4064 Describe Import won't import a record without |a as the first subfield in 245    
    1.0OLE-3868Import bib should reject MARC8 encoding with an error    
    1.5OLE-5172Bib Import Profile Protects All of Field 024, Not Just Subfield $a (as specified)    

    Batch Process

    Batch Import

    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    1.0OLE-3575Import Enhancements S&A - Release 1.0    
    1.5OLE-5235E-instance import -- support multiple URLs    

    Batch Export

    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
     1.0OLE-2654 Export Records (Single & Batch)  OLE-2654-BatchExport-TestCases OLE-Describe-2654-ExportRecords-TechnicalDesign 
     1.0OLE-4892 Batch Export need to be able to map Call number prefix    

    Batch Delete

    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    1.0OLE-3964Batch delete of bib, holding, item records    
    1.5OLE-5108When a user cancels a batch delete, the display should provide confirmation that the job was cancelled    
    1.5OLE-5158Batch delete of instances    


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-2769Create and Edit Instance & Item- Bound With'sDescribe-Module-Bound-With-Use-Case OLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-DetailedDesign
    1.0OLE-4063Display all linked bib records for a bound-with    


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-288515.xx Transfer Instance & ItemDescribe-Transfer-Instance-Item-Use-Case_v1.1 OLE-Describe-2885-TransferInstance-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2885-TransferInstanceItem-DetailedDesign


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    1.5OLE-3267Item Attached to Multiple Instances (Analytics)    


    VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
    0.8OLE-1995SEARCH: Docstore Bib Search with Checkout & Checkin    
    0.8OLE-2194SEARCH: NISO Search results sorting standard NISO_Sorting_Test_Results  
    0.8OLE-2375SEARCH: Normalization- Docstore records (part of bib and instance editors/search)    
    0.8OLE-3041Reload bulk Bibliographic documents to Docstore for OLE 0.8    
    0.8OLE-3291Bulk Ingest Process page needs to work with the server folder structure in the new CM configurations and not hard coded & Linking bib to instance working    
    0.8OLE-3865 Docstore needs a button to take you to Describe Edit    
    1.0OLE-3462Need a Local Identifier for all OLE Records    
    1.0OLE-3866DocStore Search: Display modications (listing for instance, holdings, item)    
    1.0OLE-4270Upgrade OLEDocstore with RDBMS    
    1.5OLE-3585Docstore Search - S&A Requirements    
    1.5OLE-4358Docstore Search - Describe Requirements    
    1.5OLE-5210Docstore Rebuild Index    
    1.5OLE-5389Jackrabbit - Move Licensing to RDBMS    

    Cataloging documentation

    Page Tree