Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Sprint Release (  21st Aug - 26th Aug 2014 )

  • 1.5.3-r20233
  • Release date – August, 26th 2014

2. Tag Information

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes

1)DB changes applied for JIRA OLE-6889

The following permissions are now assigned to OLE_Serial-Receiving role

1) Show Serials Receiving Record From Holding
2) Edit Enumeration Main Receipt History
3) Edit Enumeration Supplementary Receipt History
4) Edit Enumeration Index Receipt History
5) Edit Chronology Main Receipt History
6) Edit Chronology Supplementary Receipt History
7) Edit Chronology Index Receipt History
8) Edit Serial Receiving Document

The 'Display Serial Receiving' permission has been renamed to 'Show Serials Receiving Record From Holding'
And the 'Save Serial Receiving Document' permission has been removed as 'Edit Serial Receiving Document' performs the edit and save functions for Serial Receiving Document.


Database Changes

Re-index Required (Yes/No)

Yes.6911 requires Enumeration field in item records to be corrected in database. This will also need re-indexing of solr.

Select & Acquire

SI.NOIssue TypeKeySummaryAssigneePriorityStatusComponent/s
1Bug/DefectOLE-6933Invoice on PO Amendment ErrorRichard SlabachBlockerQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
2Bug/DefectOLE-6910Invoice import does not match and overlay bib, holding, itemRichard SlabachBlockerQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
3Bug/DefectOLE-6900Won't load Order records because of data But it's just marc data!!!Richard SlabachMajorQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
4Bug/DefectOLE-6889No "Save" button to apply changes to serials receiving recordsRichard SlabachCriticalQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
5Bug/DefectOLE-6879Import: Match bib, do not overlay bib, add holdingsVijay PadmanabhanCriticalAwaiting Technical InputSelect & Acquire
6Bug/DefectOLE-6853NAD Segment Error on EDI Invoice Load--OLE Needs to Accept Either OptionRichard SlabachMajorQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
7Bug/DefectOLE-6825Pro Rating of Additional Charges Not Working on InvoiceRichard SlabachBlockerQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
8Bug/DefectOLE-6822When deleting a Holdings record, no indication that a SRR is attachedRichard SlabachMajorQA ReviewSelect & Acquire
9EnhancementOLE-6798Total foreign currency display on Invoice.Bob PersingCriticalClosedSelect & Acquire
10Bug/DefectOLE-6794Batch order import: Room has default value; need to map from incoming dataJanet FoxBlockerClosedSelect & Acquire
11Bug/DefectOLE-6752Order Upload with concurrent Bib ProfileRichard SlabachBlockerQA ReviewSelect & Acquire


SI.NOIssue TypeKeySummaryAssigneePriorityStatusComponent/s
1Bug/DefectOLE-6928All hold notices sent to one patron regardless of what patron they are on hold forRichard SlabachCriticalQA ReviewDeliver
2Bug/DefectOLE-6915Cannot update patron barcode if patron has large number of loansRichard SlabachCriticalQA ReviewDeliver
3Bug/DefectOLE-6909Can't RETURN an item because the title is too longFrances McNameraBlockerQA ReviewDeliver
4Bug/DefectOLE-6902Deliver pop-ups do not appear on screen after several items returned or loanedDavid BottorffCriticalClosedDeliver
5Bug/DefectOLE-6839Bib edit: Created By: shows date/timestamp, not user IDJanet FoxCriticalQA ReviewDeliver
6EnhancementOLE-6818All cancellation of requests should send a notice to the user who placed the requestDavid BottorffMajorClosedDeliver
7Bug/DefectOLE-6812When creating patron bill, incorrect error message displayed if user attempts to add fee with negative value or zeroAndrew LeeTrivialQA ReviewDeliver
8Bug/DefectOLE-6784Search workbench due date/time display not showing due timeCheryl MalmborgMajorQA ReviewDeliver
9EnhancementOLE-6783DocstoreDataRetrieveService logs entire instance outputPeri SubrahmanyaMajorOpenSystem Integration10Bug/DefectOLE-6780Borrowers with hundredes of items out receive very slow updates in DeliverRichard SlabachCriticalQA ReviewDeliver
1110Bug/DefectOLE-6761default focus on Return screen should be Item barcode field, not Circulation deskDavid BottorffMajorClosedDeliver
1211Bug/DefectOLE-6666Hold Slips list patron name as FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME. Should be LASTNAME, FIRSTNAMEDavid BottorffMajorClosedDeliver
1312Bug/DefectOLE-5994Generation of Overdue Notices Very SlowRichard SlabachBlockerQA ReviewDeliver
