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Kuali Toolset

Kuali Toolset- working tools to manage projects

Kuali Help Desk

Meetings Resources & Calendars

Use Webex and OLE calendars to plan your meetings.

Carla North

Wiki Markup
{html}<A href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/?ui=1#folders/folder.0.0B4DWNTr-9s9XZDBkOGNmZDUtZjJkOS00NDNjLTg0MjUtMjllNzhlZmI5YWVi" mce_href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/?ui=1#folders/folder.0.0B4DWNTr-9s9XZDBkOGNmZDUtZjJkOS00NDNjLTg0MjUtMjllNzhlZmI5YWVi" target="_Blank">OLE Google Documents (Drive)</A>{html}

Primary repository for draft documents, including meeting minutes of the various teams; working draft specifications and other reference resources as available.

For additional assistance, see Google Drive Support


OLE Wiki Homepage

This set of resource pages organized to communicate technical, functional and project information.

Nora Lee Roggeveen-Sams, Project Team

Wiki Markup
{html}<A href="https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE" mce_href="https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE" target="_Blank">OLE Jira</A>{html}

Jira and Greenhopper will be used to manage this project.


Rich Slabach, QA Manager, Project Team

Wiki Markup
{html}<A href="https://kuali.org/kis/" mce_href="https://kuali.org/kis/" target="_Blank">OLE Team KIS pages</A>{html}

KIS team pages provide resources for each assembled OLE team, including links to calendars, contacts/partners, and key documents.


OLE Calendars & Meeting Resources

See the links on this Wiki site to jump to team calendars, and to utilize OLE meeting resources for scheduling audio and video conferences.


KFS Functional Specifications

KFS functional specifications are being used as reference guides as OLE is being built on a foundation of KFS, Rice and the Kuali BUS.


Wiki Markup
{html}<A href="https://www.gliffy.com/" mce_href="https://www.gliffy.com" target="_Blank">Gliffy tools</A>{html}

There are many user-friendly, open-source graphical tools available to team partners for their use in documenting workflows, dataflows and overall business modeling.


Developer's ToolboxComing soon! System Integration & Infrastructure - Technical knowledge baseThis space is a developer's toolbox.  It provide all the technical information related to integration, installation and infrastructure.Peri Subrahmanya