- A KRAD Document used to create/view/update a License Request Document.
- Participants:
- FrameWork: Rice2.x
- workflow:
- Simple KRAD screen will be used to search the License Request Documents using the Title, License Request Status, Owned By, Current Location.
- The Result fields will be Doc Id, Bib Title, License Request Status, Date Last Modified, Initiator, Current Location.
- This Search will have the option for saving with a name, which can be used afterwards.
- Participants:
- FrameWork: Rice2.x
- Existing Order Holding Queue Search screen in Rice 1.x.Modified Order Holding Queue to have the new Licensing Workflow value ALNC- Awaiting Licensing Negotiation Completion, DLNF- Disapproved- License Negotiation Failed in the Requisition Status.
- Participants:
- FrameWork : Rice1.x
- OleAgreementSearchService
- getAgreementResultsgetAgreementSearchResults
- getAgreementResultsgetAgreementSearchResults(Map agreementFilters)
License Request create/Search:
- OleLicenseRequestCreateService (invoked by requisition submit)
- createLicenseRequest
- OleLicenseRequestService
- generateAgreement
- ingestAgreement
- processAgreementResponse
- getLicenseRequestResultsgetLicenseRequestSearchResults(Map licenseFilters)
Data Model