Version | Jira# | Jira Description | Use Cases | Test Cases | Technical Design | Detailed Design |
0.8 | OLE-2624 | 19.01.01 Web Document Editor: Bib MARC (gaps reported from release 0.6) | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-2555 | Instance Editor | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-2557 | 15.05.01 Create and Edit Instance & Item | | | OLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-TechnicalDesign | OLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-DetailedDesign |
0.8 | OLE-2980 | 19.03.04 Instance Schema for OLE 0.8, version 9 | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3665 | Instance Editor Locations too hard to input | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3739 | Instance Editor Item note only allows one | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3873 | Must have unique item barcodes | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3902 | Move Number of Pieces to Item Information Section | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-2737 | 15.14 Delete Bib, Instance, and Item | | | OLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-TechnicalDesign | OLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-DetailedDesign |
0.8 | OLE-3952 | Instance shows "New Item" and you have to delete | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3954 | Instance Editor call no prefix not showing in left pane | | | | |
0.8 | OLE-3993 | Sorting Items in Left Pane Display | | | | |
1.0 | OLE-2674 | Bib Editor Enhancements | OLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-UseCases | | OLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-TechnicalDesign | OLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-DetailedDesign |
1.0 | OLE-3551 | Staff Only Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Records (hide from public display) | OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItems-UseCases | | OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-TechnicalDesign | OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-DetailedDesign |
1.0 | OLE-2685 | Record Donor Info | | | | |
1.0 | OLE-3698 | Want to edit Location, Call no info on Item screen | | | | |
1.0 | OLE-4001 | Instance URLs entered in holdings or item should be clickable | | | | |
1.0 | OLE-4014 | Instance item delete should not automatically delete holdings and bib | | | | |
1.0 | OLE-4334 | Instance Holdings needs a copy number field | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-2677 | Clickable URLs | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-2679 | Clone Instance & Item | OLE-Describe-2679-CloneInstanceItem-UseCases | | | |
| | | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-2686 | Global changes to Instance | OLE-Describe-2686-GlobalChangesToInstance-UseCases | | | |
1.5 | OLE-3267 | Item Attached to Multiple Instances (Analytics) | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-4697 | Serials received issues should display on Holdings | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-4706 | Editor Holding note text block too small | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-5141 | Need "copy number" field for single-copy REQ lines | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-4242 | Bib Editor Enhancements | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-5211 | Editor slow when there are many items | | | | |
1.5 | OLE-5323 | Publisher information display change in PURAP documents | | | | |