3 | Sub Task | OLE-3354 | 04.06 Circulation Checkout(DLVR_CHKOUT_VALID_PATRON) | The following patron validation is not completed. 1. number of overdue items currently checked out to the borrower is below the limit 2. number of days overdue is below the limit (i.e., block occurs if at least ONE overdue item exceeds the limit) Other patron validations are working fine. |
7 | Sub Task | OLE-3357
| Circulation Checkout(DLVR_CHKOUT_CREATE_LOAN)
| Functionality Completed and working fine:Creation of Loan transaction, Displaying Bib,item details and due date and updating the item status and effective date in the item level record. The following patron validation is not completed. 1. number of overdue items currently checked out to the borrower is below the limit 2. number of days overdue is below the limit (i.e., block occurs if at least ONE overdue item exceeds the limit) b)The following item validation is not completed. 1. Checkout with a Pending Recall/Delivery, Hold/Delivery or Page/Delivery Request 2. Checkout of an On Hold Item c)Due date validation is not completed. Configuration for open/close time and calender for holiday is not complete.
10 | Sub Task | OLE-3305
| Perform check-in includes 1. itemValidation , 2. numberOfPiece Validation (Partial Check-in), 3. overdueFine calculation and if it exceeds maxFine, update fineRate to maxFine are all done, 4. updating itemStatus based on location and itemStatus, 5. removing loaned record from the patron document, 6. Created circulation history and temporary circulation history records, 7. Temporary Circulation record is added in the patron document, 8. Patron Bill is created for every overdue item display of bill is in progress, 9. Request Type validations are done functionally not implemented in the screen. 10.And displays itemDetails(Barcode,Title,Author,ItemLocation,Call Number,Check-in date and ItemStatus) as a list in the screen. |