- Garner support and SMEs via Tiger/SME Teams or thru Functional Council as additional resources for initial efforts
- Identify documentation lead per module
- Identify documentation team per module- existing, past, or current features (ideally a rep from each spec team, or testers)
- Like "testers", add documentation rep as assignment to each spec handoff, and begin integrating into code review meetings with SME teams
- Regular meetings and training
- Allow each module to have own meetings, organization, manage assignment
- Monthly meetings at beginning of release for "touch base" with all writers/all modules
- Bi-weekly documentation meetings (across all modules, and leads) in 1 month before release, and 2 months after release up to publishing date
- Create sandbox for shared documents (schedules, training material, templates, and sandboxes for each module's user documentation drafts)
- Training (how to, templates, best practices, checklists)
- Don't leave to last minute!
- Solicit help from other SMEs & manage mini writing assignments where helpful!