*see outlines being developed for content of each module (attachments to this or other documentation pages, or Module Overviews)
III. Timeline
- Establish documentation timetables as offsets for each deliverable or assignment
- Begin user documentation
- Sketch outlines: develop in tandem once specs 50% complete
- Sketch content: Spec completion/signoff + 1 week
- Drafting content: in tandem with code/development and iterative code reviews; should be able to complete outline and some content
- Draft #1 user Documentation: within 2 weeks of sprint release for coded feature
- Draft #2 user documentation: Within 2 weeks after release of final code for features, or Release overall
- Format Review copies due: Draft #2 date + 2weeks (time consuming)
- Initial QA Review due: Format Review Date + 1 week
- Final due: Initial QA date + 2 weeks
- Publish due: Final date + 1-2 weeks
- Begin user documentation
- Add 10% + contingency to Draft #2/Format Review dates (ie, some code won't be completed until just before release)
- Create Documentation calendar for each Release, with above offsets for global release
- Publish within 10 weeks of Release date
- Coordinate schedule with Sprint Releases, and most current Milestone or Product Release schedules
- what are expectations for support, technical or user documentation:
- Snapshots: code only iterative/timely releases
- Milestone Releases: like OLE 0.3, 0.6, 0.8?
- Product Releases: like OLE 1.0, OLE 1.5, OLE 2.0 etc
- what are expectations for support, technical or user documentation:
- Monitor final code-promotion timetable to DEMO environment to determine when code for release is locked, and also when environments might be down
- Publish and communicate when servers are offline (maintenance, upgrades, refreshes, code promotions) and share with Writers- as they cannot access during those times for Screen Captures, etc.