All latest doctype xml are available @
1. Ingest Workflow doctype xmls (OleAgreementMaintenanceDocTypes.xml and OleLicenseRequestDocTypes.xml) : ( thru XML Ingestor - Admin tab in Rice2).
OleLicenseRequestDocTypes.xml: It is a They are part of Rice framework, which will persist the data related to workflow for License.
2. Ingest License.xml : ( thru KRMS Builder - Rice Main Menu - Kuali OLE Modules License.xml: . The file consists of Rule(s) and action, to initiate License workflow, Agreement method and License Request Type. Based on combination, Rules will execute the people's workflow.
3. Ingest Agreement (Docstore via Ingest String Content)
Needed for Find/Link Agreement (on LR Screen) (latest file is ONIX-PL-request.xml - that file is attached to this page)
The above first 3 Steps are in the process to be Automated.