- Current KIS user? Check that you are logged in via the top right corner of this screen. If you see your name, you are logged in. If not, click the "log in" link.
- New to Kuali? Setup your account – it's easy and fast, and only requires your name and email address to get started immediately. You can then access information on OLE and other Kuali projects thru this wiki, Google Docs or even Jira. Create KIS Account
- KIS credentials are NOT required to access our Wiki Pages or the DEMO drive of OLE.
Most of OLE's documents are available through Google Drive. You will need to Gain access to Google Drive and Calendar. The Kuali Foundation has additional information about mapping folders for OLE and setting up a Drive for the project. See their Welcome to the Kuali Community wiki space.
Complete License Agreement Process
Review the License Agreement Process and submit your CLA/CCLA.
Introduction to OLE
Kuali OLE (Open Library Environment) empowers libraries to leverage the expertise within the library community to find solutions for common needs. The processes for purchasing, tracking, and managing collections in a digital environment are far different from the print-based workflows now underpinning many library management systems. Kuali OLE offers a new and better alternative.