Introduction to Jira
This article introduces the Jira issue tracking software system, and provides a detailed introduction to the various issue types most commonly used in OLE Quality Assurance testing.
The OLE Testing Process in Jira
This article gives an overview of the OLE development process in Jira, placing the specific details of the OLE QA testing process therein.
Functional Specifications and Acceptance Criteria
This article explains the structure of Functional Specification documents and their Acceptance Criteria sections, and elaborates upon their relationship to the testing process.
Creating Test Cases in the OLE Test Environment
This article presents the specifics of creating a Test Case, the basic Jira issue for QA testing, in the OLE Test Scenarios Jira project.
Linking in Jira
This article introduces and explains the two main methods of linking used in Jira testing - the "Parent Jira" link and the "Tests/Tested By" link. It also includes instructions for adding these links to Test Cases in the OLETS Jira project.
Searching in Jira
This article details searching in the OLE Test Scenarios Jira project for issues you have created, as well as for issues assigned to you by another tester.
Stories and Tasks
This article serves as a guide to making Test Cases meet up with Functional Specifications on the one side and Tasks on the other. Examples are given for finding the closest matching Task for a given Test Case.
Testing and Documenting Your Results
This article provides a guide to the process of executing tests and documenting your results in Jira. Links are included to supplemental articles giving instructions on specific processes for providing feedback, such as taking screenshots and copying Selenium logs.