Data grid - filters to be fixed
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Casey Henderson May 9, 2024 at 10:14 AM
There is also the issue of filters on nested properties to consider as part of this work - such as the client config items on Host LMS, or location codes for agencies. This may also affect the borrowing agency on PatronRequests.
Priority filters to fix at present:
Borrowing agency
Time in state (will require a conversion from user input)
Gill Osguthorpe May 8, 2024 at 2:57 PMEdited
@Casey Henderson I have checked the all the above filters and those on 1023 to see whether they actually work. Location code does work and I have removed it from the ticket. The others do not work, however I haven’t been able to test the patron request fields.
Am not sure which of the Libraries filters mentioned in your comment need to be fixed and which removed. If they are easy fixes it makes sense to do them all. Bear in mind that in most cases the ID “contains” filters have been removed on other tables, as part of
Casey Henderson May 7, 2024 at 9:45 AMEdited
This ticket may also want to include fixing the following non-functional filters on the libraries page.
Equals and contains
Auth profile
Host LMS (catalogue)
Host LMS (circulation)
Library UUID
The “contains” and “equals” filters in each data grid were tested. A number of them were found not to work - testing results are recorded in the doc: Nonoperational filters which are considered to be essential to users of DCB Admin should be fixed.
In scope
Fix both “contains” and “equals”, or one if both not possible:
Requesting agency
Fix “contains” filter (“equals” works): - 13/06: This filter has been removed.
Request ID
Fix “equals” filter: 13/6/24: This filter still doesn’t work. Retested 14/1/25.
Time in state
Fix “contains” filter (“equals” works):
Location code
Fix “contains” filter (“equals” works): 14/1/25: Filter has been removed.
Source bib ID