Step 0: Search For A Similar Issue
- Before you enter an issue, please perform a search to see if anything may already exist in the OLE queue
- Enter your search criteria in the Text Search section's Query field.
- If you find an issue that is similar to the one you want to report, please add a comment to the issue to clarify any differences and talk with the SME team lead if you need clarification.
- If you don't find an issue that is similar to the one you want to report, proceed with the instructions below.
Step 2: Create an Issue
- Create an issue in our JIRA instance using the "OLE Feedback" project.
- Select the appropriate type:
- For bugs, select Bug
- For enhancements, select either Improvement or New Feature (which ever makes the most sense)
- DO NOT select Task
Step 3: Fill Out Required Fields
Only deal with the following fields:
- Fill in "Summary" field.
- Choose which component(s) this issue is related to.
- Choose a "Priority".
- Add notes/attachments.
- Click the "Create" button.