Under Construction
The following are some tips and ideas for managing the work of Tiger Teams, Spec Teams and the deliverables being requested-- prioritization of user stories, statements of work/assignments, spec writing, reviews, managing meetings, and creating models to communicate goals (workflows, story relationships, teams, etc).
Spec Teams
Managing Meetings (Spec Team lead and SA)
Meeting agenda and goals
Meeting Minutes
document decisions
parking lot
Due dates
Time-limit brainstorming & discussions
No meeting end without assignments, next steps
Managing (leveraging) Resources
Asking your Tiger Team for Help
Define leads for tasks (spec writing vs modeling vs data requirements vs testing)
Making assignments vs requesting help
Celebrate decisions and accomplishments
Managing Deliverables
Start with a schedule and a plan
(sample gantt of work)
Developing Workflow and Dataflow Models for Specs
Tiger Teams
Please refer to tips for spec teams, and also use the following ideas and resources as applicable or helpful to your efforts.
Planning-Organizing- Managing-Reviewing
Prioritization of User Stories
Statements of Work/Organizing Assignments
Managing competing priorities
(sample gantt timeline)
staggering team starts
start, spec writing/completion, TT reviews
Spec Reviews
Gap Analysis
Technical tasks and needs, as identified