ReShare 1.11 release notes

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ReShare 1.11 release notes

Release date: April 18, 2023

Summary: This release includes two new features, five enhancements, many bug fixes and a number of non-functional changes to allow for expansion of the request state model for handling CDL (Controlled Digital Lending) and non-returnable request flows in the future. A patch including five additional bug fixes was released on May 15, 2023.

New features

New WMS Host LMS adapter -

  • A new WMS Host LMS adapter is available that provides expanded NCIP integration for WMS. With the WMS2 adapter ReShare can send and receive the following four messages with WMS: Lookup User, Check Out Item, Accept Item and Check In Item. Several settings changes are required.

New NCSU Host LMS adapter -

  • z39.50 and ILS integration (NCIP) for North Carolina State University’s Symphony system is now available. ReShare can send and receive the following four messages with NCSU : Lookup User, Check Out Item, Accept Item and Check In Item.


Voyager Host LMS adapter takes into consideration the temporary location when determining requestability

  • Values returned in the temporary location field in the Voyager z39.50 response are now treated as Host LMS locations and added to the Host LMS location table. The first time a new temporary location is added it will be considered requestable. Staff will need to mark the new Host LMS location with a supplying priority of -1 if they wish that temporary location to be not requestable.

ItemID / barcode now populates the ‘selected item barcode’ field through the Voyager and Horizon Host LMS adapters

  • The value returned in the itemID field in the Voyager z39.50 response will populate the ‘selected item barcode’ field in the patron request. This itemID will appear in the item barcode field in the Supply app queue, in the Flow screen and at the bottom of the pull slip before the pull slip is printed for the first time.

Sierra Host LMS adapter was updated to include ‘CHECK SHELVES’ as an available status

  • The Sierra Host LMS adapter now considers items with a public note of CHECK SHELVES to be considered available for requesting.

Symphony and NCSU Host LMS adapters prepend ^C to the localID of the bib record so the autoresponder can correctly find the unique bib record via Z39.50

  • Symphony assigns a unique record ID to their bib records that is not necessarily output to a MARC tag and indexed in Z39.50. In order to effectively search and retrieve a single match on these unique record IDs, a ^C must precede the unique number before being sent by the autoresponder in the search URL.

Volume info moved to display more legibly between the title and author on the pull slip

  • Volume notes added to a request were previously displayed at the end of the author data in the pull slip , and were very hard to see. The Volume: field is now placed between the title and author fields at the top of the pull slip and displays more clearly now.

Bug Fixes

Responder state transition from Overdue to Return Shipped not occurring

  • Previously, when a request in a state of Overdue is marked return shipped by the requesting library, the state would not update on the supplier side so the supplier could not complete the request. This has been corrected.

Duplicating a notice template or notice policy breaks the original

  • Duplicating a notice template or notice policy no longer breaks the original template or policy used to make the copy from.

The sort order of the Supply app queue not maintained after printing pull slips and returning to the queue

  • After printing pull slips and returning to the Supply app queue, the sort order of the Supply app was not maintained. This has been corrected.

Voyager Host LMS adapter unable to handle NCIP Accept Item message when request lacks an author

  • In Voyager, an NCIP Accept Item error is no longer returned if a request does not contain an author

Unable to find rota entry at position 1

  • The error "e.EventSendToNextLenderService : Unable to find rota entry at position 1 (Size=1) 1. Try next,", was addressed.

GenericCodeNameService should guard against null code

  • An issue with searching on null codes against the Host LMS locations, shelving locations and patron profiles tables was corrected.

URL to list of pull slip results causes error in UI (1.11.1 patch)

  • After the upgrade to release 1.11, the error “e.split is not a function” when following the URL in a pull slip notification email was corrected.

Pull slip population problems when batch printing from Supply App (1.11.1 patch)

  • Using “Print pullslips” to print a batch of pullslips from the Supply queue caused the “Contact … or …” text to be empty, and the “To:” field displayed the ISIL symbol instead of the institution name. This problem was corrected.

WMS autoresponder lookup problem (1.11.1 patch)

  • After the upgrade to release 1.11, the WMS autoresponder was unable to process the values returned, causing the request to be marked “cannot supply”. This problem was corrected.

Unread messages time out problem (1.11.1 patch)

  • An inefficient query behind the “unread messages” filter in the Request and Supply Apps caused a timeout error for libraries with a large number of active requests. The query was optimized.

Unable to cancel requests in a state of “Invalid Patron” (1.11.1 patch)

  • Cancelling a request in a state of “Invalid Patron” caused the request to go to “Cancel Pending” rather than “Cancelled”. This includes requests from patrons whose Host LMS patron profile cannot place requests. This problem was corrected.

Non-functional changes

Remove explicit references to state models in mod-rs

Add functionality to import a state model now that we are able to export a state model

Connection closed issues when sending to kafka

Make the registering of topics with Kafka thread-safe

Add integration tests for a number of request scenarios


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