Submitting Requests

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Submitting Requests

There are two primary ways requests can be manually submitted into ReShare.

Submitting Requests via VuFind

Patrons can use ReShare’s VuFind discovery layer to search for materials and submit requests.

The VuFind discovery layer is open to the public, but patrons will be redirected to their institution’s login page before submitting a request.

Submitting Requests via the Staff Portal Interface

Staff can submit requests on behalf of a patron by using the new request interface in ReShare’s staff portal. Staff will need to provide the patron’s ID (the same value being passed by the library’s SSO solution to authenticate the patron in ReShare), but they will not need to provide the patron’s institutional username and password.

The new request interface can be accessed by going to the “Request” app and clicking the “New” button on the action line.

Staff can either manually enter the required information or search the shared inventory for the desired item. The required fields will automatically be populated with the appropriate information once an item is selected from the shared inventory.

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