User permissions

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User permissions

ReShare permissions

The following permissions affect ReShare functionality and may be assigned to Users.


Permission name


Permission name


Directory: create new directory entries

This permission allows a user to create new directory entires. Any entries created will be managed by the tenant used to create them.

Directory: edit all directory entries

This permission allows a user to edit all directory entries, including those managed by other institutions. It is recommended that this permission be limited only to central administrators and service providers.

Directory: edit the directory entry for the present institution

This permission allows users to edit all directory entries that are associated with the tenant in which their account exists.

Directory: edit the local fields of directory entries

This permission allows users to edit the “Local information” tab of all directory entries, including those associated with other institutions. A user does not need to have the “Edit all directory entries” permission to edit local information.

Settings (directory): display list of settings pages

This permission allows a user to view and edit the Directory settings in ReShare.

UI: directory module is enabled

This permission allows a user to access the Directory app and view all entries within it.


Permission name


Permission name


Request: Create requests

This permission allows users to manually create requests from the Request app. Note that manually creating requests is not fully supported at this time.

Request: Edit requests

This permission allows users to manually edit requests in the Request app. Note that at this time, only the request information can be edited – user and item information cannot be changed.

Settings (resource-sharing): display list of settings pages

This permission allows a user to view and edit the Resource Sharing settings in ReShare. Request and Supply settings are combined in a single view.

UI: request module is enabled

This permission allows a user to access the Request app and view all records within it.


Permission name


Permission name


Supply: Edit requests

This permission allows users to manually edit requests in the Supply app. Note that at this time, only the request information can be edited – user and item information cannot be changed.

Settings (resource-sharing): display list of settings pages

This permission allows a user to view and edit the Resource Sharing settings in ReShare. Request and Supply settings are combined in a single view.

UI: supply module is enabled

This permission allows a user to access the Supply app and view all records within it.


Permission name


Permission name


UI: update module is enabled

This permission allows a user to access the Update app. The ability to perform specific actions in the Update app will be governed by a user’s permissions for Request and Supply.


Permission name


Permission name


Users: Can assign and unassign permissions to users

This permission allows a user to edit the permissions of other users, including themself.

Users: Can create new user

This permission allows a user to create new user accounts in the Users app.

Users: Can edit user profile

This permission allows a user to edit the user profiles of all users in the Users app.

Users: Can view permissions assigned to users

This permission allows a user to view the permissions assigned to other users.

Users: Can view user profile

This permission allows a user to view all user profiles.

Settings (Users): Can create, edit, and remove patron groups

This permission allows a user to manage patron group types in User Settings app.

Settings (Users): Can create, edit, and remove permission sets

This permission allows a user to manage permission sets in User Settings app.

Non-ReShare permissions

ReShare includes a number of permissions related to FOLIO functionality that is is not used in ReShare. At this time, it is recommended that you do not use any permissions not listed above. These permissions will be removed from the ReShare interface in a future release.

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