DocStore and Discovery Service Contracts
OLE DocStore and Discovery
Service Contracts
This document describes the API of the services provided by OLE DocStore and Discovery. These services can be used from other Kuali applications.
DocStore Services:
1.   Ingest
           Ingest the given data into DocStore and index it in Discovery.
           Request object - Information about the ingest operation to be
           Response object – Information about the response from the service for the given request
Errors :
                       - When there is unsupported document format, type or category
                         - When Ingest or Indexing fails
Support objects used: Request, Response
      Request: Information about the ingest operation to be performed
- user (String) -User who initiated the request
- operation (String) – The operation to be performed (eg: batchIngest, bulkIngest...etc)
- requestDocuments (List<RequestDocument>) – List of documents on which the requested operation is to be performed.
          RequestDocument :   Documents on which the requested operation is to be performed.
- id (String) – Identifier of the document
- category (String) -Category of the document
- type (String) – Type of the document
- format (String) – Format of the document
- content (Content) – Content of the document        Â
Content :
- content (String) – xml string representation of the document content
- contentObject (Object) – Pojo representation of the document content
Response: Information about the response from the service for the given request
- user (String) – User who raised the request related to this response
- operation (String) – Operation performed (eg: batchIngest, bulkIngest...etc)
- status (String) – Status of the operation (eg: sucess, failure)
- message (String) – Information about the operation performed
- documents (List<ResponseDocument>) – List of documents with information about the result of the operation
ResponseDocument : Documents with information about the result of the operation
- id (String) - Identifier of the document ( unique within the request)
- category (String) -Category of the document
- type (String) -Type of the document
- format (String) -Format of the document
- uuid (String) – uuid of the document (unique within docstore)
- content (Content) - Content of the document        Â
- linkedDocuments (List<ResponseDocument>) – List of documents which are linked / referred to by the current document
2.   Bulk Ingest
Description :
Ingest the given data into DocStore.
           File – File to be ingested
           userName – User initiating the request
           action – Action to be performed (bulkIngest) Â
           List of uuid’s – uuids of the ingested documents
Errors :
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When the batch size is invalid
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When the format of input document not valid
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When a node cannot be created or found in the repository
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When there is internal error in the repository
Support objects used:
3.   Checkout
Description :
           Get the content of the documents specified in the Request object.
           Request object - Information about the checkout operation to be performed       (operation=checkout)
           Respone object - Information about the response from the service for the given request
Errors :
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When there is problem extracting the content of a node in the repository
Support objects used:
4.   Checkin
           Check-in the documents specified in the Request object into DocStore as new versions.
           Request object - Information about the checkin operation to be performed (operation:checkin)
           Response object - Information about the response from the service for the given request
Errors :
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When there is unsupported document format
Support objects used: Request, Response
5.   Delete
           Delete the documents specified in the given Request object.
           Request object - Information about the delete operation to be performed(operation=delete,
           Response object - Information about the response from the service for the given request
Errors : No exceptions
Support objects used: Request, Response
A concrete implementation of a REST Web service follows four basic design principles:
- Expose directory structure-like URIs.
- Transfer XML, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), or both.
- Use HTTP methods explicitly.
- Be stateless.
DocStore API as per design principles of REST
6.1Â Â Create
Create one or more documents with text content:
Method |
Content Type |
multipart/form-data |
Content Disposition |
text/xml |
Content |
Request XML |
Returns |
201 Created & Location |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
Create one or more documents with binary content (PDF, DOC etc)
Method |
Content Type |
multipart/form-data |
Content Disposition |
application/octet-stream |
Content |
Bag content |
Returns |
201 Created & Location |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
6.2 Â Retrieve
Retrieve a document (Checkout)
Method |
Returns |
200 OK & XML or other content |
XML or binary content of the document |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
Q: Do we need to identify the user who initiated this request?
Retrieve (references to) one or more documents: (like getUUIDs function in docstore)
Method |
Query string |
category= |
Returns |
200 OK and XML |
Response xml with start, end, and next(url) fields |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
Retrieve one or more documents with binary content (PDF, DOC etc)
Method |
Query string |
requestContent= |
Request XML |
Returns |
201 Created & Location |
Response content type: text/xml |
401 Unauthorized |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
6.3 Â Update
If the specified document does not exist, it is not created by this command.
Modify one or more documents:
Method |
Request Body |
Request XML |
Returns |
200 OK and response |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
Modify one or more documents with binary content (PDF, DOC etc):
Method |
POST (PUT does not support multi-part request) |
Request Body |
Bag content |
Returns |
200 OK and response |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
6.4 Â Delete
Delete a document:
Method |
Returns |
200 OK and response |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
Delete one or more documents
Method |
Request Body |
Request XML |
Returns |
200 OK and response |
Response XML |
401 Unauthorized |
404 Not Found |
415 Unsupported Media Type |
Discovery Services:
1. Index Documents
           Class :
           Description :
                       Index the documents specified in the given list of RequestDocuments
                       List<RequestDocument> - list of documents to be indexed
                       String [ Success, Failure]
            Errors :
                                   - When there is unsupported document format
            Support objects used:
2. Search
           Class :
           Description: Â
                       Search for documents with the given SearchParams.
                       SearchParams – Search related conditions and parameters Â
                       Solr xml response – Search results in xml format from solr
           Errors : No exceptions
            Support objects used:
                      SearchParams :
- searchType (String)Â - Type of search (eg: advancedSearch, quickSearch...etc)
- docCategory (String) – Category of documents to be searched for
- docType (String) - Type of documents to be searched for
- docFormat (String) – Format of documents to be searched for
- searchFieldsList (List<SearchCondition>) - List of search conditions
- sortField (String) -Field to be sort by
- sortOrder (String) – Order to be sort by
- facetFieldList (List<String>) - List of facet fields
- facetField (String) – Field to be filter for search results
- facetValue (String) – Value to be filter for search results
- fieldList (List<String>) - Field to be display in the search results  Â
- rows (int) – No of rows to be returned
- start  (int) – Start index of the results to be returned
SearchCondition: Condition to be applied for searching the results
- searchText (String) – Text to be searched for
- searchScope (String) – Scope of the search text (All of these, Any of these, As a phrase)
- docField     (String) – Field to be searched for
- operator     (String) – To join with next condition
3. Query For OleDocs
                       Search for documents with the given* * OleDocument. Uses the field values
                                     in the input OleDocument to look for similar OleDocuments in the Solr and
                                     returns them.
           Errors : No exceptions
            Support objects used:
- id (String) – uuid of the document to be searched for
- docCategory (DocCategory) - Category of the document to be searched for
- docType (DocType) - Type of the document to be searched for
                      WorkBibDocument extends OleDocument:
- titles  (List<String>) - one or more titles of the document
- authors (List<String>) - one or more authors of the document
- subjects (List<String>) - one or more subjects of the document
- issns   (List<String>) - one or more issns of the document
- isbns (List<String>) - one or more isbns of the document
- publicationPlaces (List<String>) - one or more publicationPlaces of the document
- publishers (List<String>) - one or more publishers of the document
- descriptions  (List<String>) - one or more descriptions of the document
- publicationDates  (List<String>) - one or more publicationDates of the document
- editions (List<String>) - one or more editions of the document
- formGenres (List<String>) - one or more formGenres of the document
- languages (List<String>) - one or more languages of the document
- formats   (List<String>) - one or more formats of the document
- itemLinks   (List<String>) - one or more itemLinks of the document
--- Forwarded Message ---
From: Jonathan Keller <>
To: "Ma, Nianli" <>
Cc: "Wadia, Percy Dadabhoy" <>; Joseph Kumar <>
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Service Registry approach
The reference to service contracts was that, since these are separate systems, we want to define and document *what* the calls will be, what parameters they will take and what will be returned.
Having this defined up front will make it easier to design the process from both ends. I recommend starting with the Select module code base so as to define the contents of the API message objects so that they contain all the data you need to create a purchase order (or whatever document you need to create.)  The Rice team has been doing a lot of work for client/server service compatibility in the 2.0 line.  If these projects stay separate, we may want to look into that in the future.  But for now, it would only complicate things.
Actually, I created a spec for an API for creating requisitions a while ago. (extract below) You could consider using something similar. Some of the objects were designed to be generic, and used for multiple document creation services.
I hope this helps. Â Please let me know if you have any questions.
Create Purchase Requisition
Create (in select module) the PurchasingDocumentsInterfaceService.
Method Name: uploadRequisition
Inputs: orderInfo (PurchaseRequisitionInfo)
Returns: DocumentCreationResult
Support objects for service calls:
- documentInfo (DocumentInfo)
- requestorUserId (String)
- sourceSystemOrderId (String)
- requestTypeCode (String - 4 chars) type of document being requested
- deliveryAddress (PurchasingAddressInfo)
- deliveryInstructionText (String)
- vendorHeaderId (String)
- vendorDetailId (String)
- freightAmount (String) String to avoid parsing problems; will be
 handled on the server during validation - shippingAndHandlingAmount (String)
- items (PurchasingItemInfo)
- initiatorUserId (String)
- documentNote (String - 4000 characters) Note which will be attached to the document
once created.
- description (String - 40 characters)
- explanation (String - 400 characters)
- organizationTrackingNumber (String - 10 characters)
- name (String)
- addressLine1 (String - 45 chars)
- addressLine2 (String - 45 chars)
- cityName (String - 45 chars)
- stateCode (String - 2 chars)
- countryCode (String - 3 chars)
- emailAddress (String)
- phoneNumber (String)
- campusCode (String)
- buildingCode (String)
- roomNumber (String)
- unitOfMeasureCode (String - 4 chars)
- description (String - 400 chars)
- commodityCode (String)
- unitPrice (String)
- quantity (String)
- itemTypeCode (String - 4 chars)
- accountingInfo (List<PurchasingAccountingInfo>)
- chartOfAccountsCode (String - 2 chars)
- accountNumber (String - 7 chars)
- subAccountNumber (String - 5 chars)
- objectCode (String - 4 chars)
- subObjectCode (String - 3 chars)
- projectCode (String - 10 chars)
- distributionPercent (String)
- success (boolean)
- messages (List<ResultMessage>)
- documentNumbers (List<String>)
- message (String)
- code (String)
- severity (String)
Jonathan Keller
Kuali OLE - Kuali Technologies Consultant
Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation