Schema and samples for Docstore Documents


OLE's Docstore stores different kinds of documents ranging from Bibliographic records to Licenses. The XML representation of Docstore documents, pass between Docstore and its clients.  External applications interact with the Docstore using REST API.

(warning) License agreements are scheduled for 2.0; see

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

A Docstore document has two parts:

Content: actual information of the document.

Metadata: Additional attributes of the content, such as dateCreated, dateUpdated, isStaffOnly etc.

Document Tree:

This is a term used to represent a document and its associated documents forming a hierarchical structure.


HoldingsTree : Holdings (content only) and its Items (content only).

HoldingsDocTree: HoldingsDoc (content + metadata) and its ItemDocs (content + metadata)

BibTree: Bib (content only) and its HoldingsTrees (content only)

BibDocTree: BibDoc (content + metadata) and its HoldingsDocTrees (content + metadata)

Source Holdings

(MARC holdings, MODS holdings, etc.)

MARC holdings are scheduled to be added in 2.0.  See Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation