Establishing New FY Budget
Below is for maintaining OLE test and demo environments, and to help partners with testing OLE 0.8, 1.0 etc. Full fiscal year end and rollover functionality will be part of OLE 2.0. Inherited KFS code, edocs, FYRO functions have not been modified.
Establishing a New FY Budget Based on Previous FY Budget
- This process does not include set up of Chart of Accounts
- This process assumes that you have established a previous FY Budget
Log in as ole-quickstart (or someone with membership in both OLE-Sys: User and University Administration Budget Manager roles) for all the following tasks
Create the Fiscal Year & FY Object Codes:
- Check the value of the parameter ‘source_fiscal_year’ on the Parameter Lookup page on the Administration Menu.
- The Parameter Value should be the FY you are copying the information from to create necessary Objects and set Fiscal Year Function Controls for the new Fiscal Year.
- Run the unscheduled job “fiscalYearMakerJob” through the ‘Schedule’ link on the Admin page.
- Search for the job
- Modify the job
- On the “Modify Batch Job” page, click the ‘run’ button
- Click the ‘Return to Lookup’ link in the upper right part of that screen
- Repeat the search for this job
- Keep clicking the ‘search’ button until you see the word “Succeeded” appear in the Job Status column for this job. (It may take up to two minutes to change from ‘running’ to ‘succeeded’)
- Confirm the results
- Search for known Object codes from the ‘Object Codes’ Lookup link on the Main Menu. Make sure you are using the target Fiscal Year in your search parameters
- From the Maintenance Menu, Select & Acquire Admin box, Financial Transaction Controls section, click on the ‘Fiscal Year Function Control' link.
- Using the value of the Fiscal Year you are attempting to set up and leaving all other values blank, click search
- Confirm that BAACTV (Budget Adjustments Allowed) is set to Yes and BCGENE (Budget Construction Genesis Executing) is set to No
Create the Budget
- Download the “BA_YEBA_Import.xls” at
- Add values to all columns with red headings (Chart, Account, Object, Cur Budget Adj Amt) ONLY. These values can be entered by hand or if your past FY budget is reasonably close to the new FY budget, you can follow these steps to make the process easier.
- On the Select/Acquire, click on the link Available Balances.
- Enter the old fiscal year value in the fiscal year field.
- Enter one of the Chart Codes you’ll be using in the new fiscal year budget
- Enter an asterisk (*) in the Account number field and click search
- The results will show the Chart Code, the Account number, the Object Code and the Budget Amount (among other columns)
- At the bottom left of this page you have the option to Export the results in spreadsheet format.
- When you’ve exported the results and opened the file in your spreadsheet application, you can copy the information in the corresponding columns from the old fiscal year report to the required columns in the new fiscal year budget spreadsheet you are preparing.
- Make any necessary adjustments to the new fiscal year budget
- Add one or more lines in the new fiscal year budget spreadsheet to offset the increases to the budget. Use an income object code for these offset lines.
- I suggest using the University Account Number from the accounts you’re budgeting for as the account on the offset line
- And use 1800 (‘Other Income’) as the object code on the offset lines
- Confirm that the total budget adjustment for income equals the total budget adjustment for the expense object code lines.
- Confirm that all budget amounts are formatted as numbers and not text, remove all number formatting as well - especially use of commas
- Remove the instruction rows in the BA_YEBA_Import.xls spreadsheet (first 4 rows) and save the file in CVS format.
- Open the Budget Adjustment Create link from the Select/Acquire menu
- Add a description to the Description field in the Document Overview tab
- Change the Year to the new (target) year in the Document Overview tab
- In the Account Lines tab, locate the To/Increase section and click on the ‘import lines’ button above the ‘add’ button for that section.
- Click on the ‘Browse…’ button that appears after clicking the ‘import lines’
- Locate and ‘open’ the CSV file with the data for the new fiscal year budget
- Click the ‘add’ button just to the right of the ‘Browse…’ button
- This will add a separate line for each of the rows in your spreadsheet to the document. If there are any errors reported at this step, stop and correct the information in your CSV file before proceeding
- Add any notes and attachments you’d like to add to this Budget Adjustment document
- At the bottom of the page, click on the ‘blanket approve’ button
- Note that if you ‘submit’ the document rather than ‘blanket approve’ the document, you may have to log in as a number of different users to get the document finally approved and the changes in effect.
- Confirm your results
- Depending on the number of lines added to the Budget Adjustment document, you may have to wait a few minutes before you will be able to see the results
- From the OLE Main Menu, click on ‘Available Balances’
- Enter the value for the new Fiscal Year
- Enter the value for a particular Chart Code that was part of the budget adjustment
- Enter an asterisk in the Account field
- Click on the Approved radio button for the ‘Include Pending General Ledger Entries’
- Click ‘search’
- Confirm your results by comparing the values in the Budget Amount column with your intended budget
- The budget will remain ‘pending’ until the normal nightly batch jobs run that posts pending entries to the General Ledger. The fact that the budget is pending until that step should have little to no effect on normal transaction processing.
Note: You may need to "clear cache" if you are creating the new fiscal year after the start of that fiscal year. The primary symptom is when creating a new Requisition, it never finishes loading.
- Log in as 'admin'
- On the Admin tab in the Monitoring box, click on Cache Admin
- Check all boxes for the caches
- Click the Flush button
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