3.0 Sprint 5

1. Sprint Release

  • 3.0 - Sprint 5
  • Release date – April 15, 2016

2. Tag Name:  3.0-Sprint-5

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)

Oracle: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/3.0-Sprint-5/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/oracle/3.0.sql

MySQL: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/3.0-Sprint-5/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/mysql/3.0.sql

1) OLE-6431

              Added columns RNWL_DT_TIME to the table OLE_DLVR_PTRN_BILL_FEE_TYP_T

              Added columns LOST_ITM_PRCS_FEE_AMNT to the table OLE_DLVR_LOAN_NOTICE_T

              Inserted a row to the table OLE_DLVR_PTRN_FEE_TYPE_T

              Added system parameter FORGIVE_LOST_FEES

System parameters:

1) OLE-8715

          Added system parameter FORGIVE_LOST_FEES

Workflow xml change:


Drools files:

1) OLE-6431



                      - both the files are modified, needs to be ingested.


4. Jiras

S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1DescribeOLE-8834008 Structured Data Elements does not default to the expanded viewMajorBug/DefectUC_UI 
2DescribeOLE-88232.1 search workbench does not retrieve personal names with a hyphenMajorBug/Defect  
3DeliverOLE-8813Screen needs to focus on operator messages when they pop up. Sometimes appear too high or low on screenMajorBug/DefectMustHave, SOAS 
4DescribeOLE-8726On TST 3.0, searching for "any of these" does not return correct resultsMajorBug/DefectMustHave 
5System IntegrationOLE-8655Screens sometimes fail to display bottom halfMajorBug/Defect  
6Select & AcquireOLE-8582Option for Account Summary to be shown in original currencyMajorEnhancementMustHave, SOAS 
7DescribeOLE-8569Allow editing of Bibs lacking an Indexed Title (245 $a)MajorEnhancementMustHave 
8System IntegrationOLE-8551Docstore Solr version conflict errorsMajorBug/DefectMustHave 
9DeliverOLE-8543Overdue, recalled items with expired requests are not charged overdue fines at recalled rateMajorBug/DefectDrools, MustHave 
10Select & AcquireOLE-8532Sufficient funds check giving unexpected warningsMajorBug/Defect  
11Select & AcquireOLE-7917Need Option To Suppress PDF Creation During FY CloseMajorEnhancementMustHave 
12System IntegrationOLE-7720krew table changes for performanceCriticalEnhancementMustHave, Penn 
13Select & AcquireOLE-7560Better Method for Linking POs to InvoicesMajorEnhancementMustHave, Penn, UI, Usability 
14DeliverOLE-6431Check-in Enhancements for Lost ItemsCriticalEnhancement (PP)MustHave 
15DescribeOLE-6294Extent of Ownership statements not in orderMajorEnhancementUsability 
16DeliverOLE-6249Return of item with paid replacement feeCriticalEnhancementMustHave 
17DeliverOLE-8404Fines selection/deselection working incorrectly with amount to be paidMinorBug/DefectMustHave, SOAS 



























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