3.0 Final
1. Sprint Release
- 3.0Â - Final
- Release date – May 15, 2017
2. Tag Name:Â 3.0-Final
3. Deliverables
Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
Added new System parameter "SEND_CHECKOUT_RECEIPT_NOTICE"Â takes the boolean value true/false which is used to configure the notices to be sent or not.
Added new System Parameter "LOST_PROCESSING_FEE"Â If the value is blank generate Overdue fee else generate processing fee with amount given in the parameter value.
Added the Item Status "LOST-AND-PAID"Â in the OLE_DLVR_ITEM_AVAIL_STAT_T table
Added the Patron Payment Status "Replaced" in the OLE_PTRN_PAY_STA_T table
Workflow xml change:
4. Jiras
Priorities – Trivial; Minor; Major; Critical; Blocker
Issue Types -Â Task;Â Sub Task Bug/Defect; Enhancement; Enhancement (PP)
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