OpenRefine Warning Message: One or more rows contain no data in both column "title.identifier.issn" and "title.identifier.eissn"

Full text of error

title.identifier.issn OR title.identifier.eissn One or more rows contain no data in both column "title.identifier.issn" and "title.identifier.eissn"


This warning indicates that you have one or more titles without an ISSN or an eISSN. This warning is optional for GOKb, but it is very important to review these titles and add in at least one identifier before ingesting the package.


  1. Open the quick resolution menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the warning message, and selecting "Create Facet."

  2. Click on "Invalid" to show the titles with missing ISSNs/eISSNs
  3. Search for an ISSN for each title and add it to the title.identifier.issn colum. You can use Ulrich's, OCLC, or the title's URL to locate the ISSN.
  4. Add the eISSN if that is available, as well.

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