One or more rows do not conform to the format 'XXXX-XXXX' for the column "title.identifier.issn"

Full text of error

title.identifier.issn One or more rows do not conform to the format 'XXXX-XXXX' for the column "title.identifier.issn"


All ISSNs ingested into GOKb must be valid ISSNs conforming to the format ‘XXXX-XXXX’ where X represents a digit, or solely in the case of the last position, an uppercase X.


Use the normalize ISSNs macro

  1. Right-click any cell and select "Apply Macro"
  2. Search for the Normalize ISSNs and eISSNs macro
  3. Click OK to run the macro
  4. Change back to the Errors tab and check to see if this error is still present. If this has not solved the problem, try the solution below.

Rename a column with a macro

  1.  Right-click any cell and select Apply Macro

  2. Search for the name of the package and/or provider to locate the correct macro, or search for the KBART (generic) macro.

  3. Click Ok to run the macro

Facet your data

  1. Open the quick resolution menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the error message."Quick Resolution."
  2. Choose "Create facet."
  3. OpenRefine will create a facet of all the ISSNs that do not correspond to the correct format. Choose the "Invalid" facet.
  4. You will now see a filtered view of your project that shows only the incorrectly formatted ISSNs.
  5. If there are only a handful, fix them manually.
  6. If there are too many to correct one-by-one, contact the editor for help with the conversion process.

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