Full text of review request

No 1st class ID supplied and no match could be made on title name.


This review task is generated when a title imported through OpenRefine has no first class identifier (ISSN, e-ISSN, DOI, or ISBN) and does not match any titles that already exist in GOKb. In this case a new title record will be created in GOKb.


  1. Do a title search in GOKb to determine whether a duplicate record exits for this title.
  2. If no duplicate title exists, you can leave the existing record as is and close the review task.
  3. If a duplicate title exists:
    1. Delete the newly-created title and TIPP.
    2. Create a new TIPP for the existing title.
    3. Add the title that prompted the review task as a variant title on the existing title record. This should force a match during future updates.
    4. Close the review task.