Full text of error

Publication Title Import does not specify an PublicationTitle column


This is the title of the publication. It is a required column and it cannot be left blank. It is most likely that your data will already contain this information and you can rename an existing column.


Rename a column with a macro

  1. Right-click any cell and select Apply Macro
  2. Search for the name of the package and/or provider to locate the correct macro
    Or, search for the KBART (generic) macro
  3. Click Ok to run the macro

Rename a column manually

  1. Open the quick resolution menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the warning message, and selecting "Quick Resolution."
  2. Choose "Rename a column"
  3. A dropdown menu will appear listing all of the columns already in your project.
  4. Choose the one that contains publication titles and click "rename."
  5. The warning message should disappear.