JIRA : OLE-2341
- To remove Account Fringe Benefit, Fringe Benefit COA Code, Fringe benefit Acct Number, Higher Ed Func Code, CFDA Number ,Budget Record Level Code,External Encumbrance Sufficient Funds Check, Internal Encumbrance Sufficient Funds Check, Pre-Encumbrance SufficientFundsCheck,Building Campus, Building Code from the accounts UI.
- To Remove the Contracts And Grants tab and Indirect Cost Recovery Tab from UI.
- To Make Campus Code,Account Postal, City, State, Street,Account Type Code,Account Supervisor, Account Manager, Account income Guideline Text,Account Purpose Text as optional.
- To add new fields University Account Number as required.
- To add new tab for Stewardship Requirement and LegacyFundCode.
- Extends PersistableBusinessObject Base and implements Inactivateable
- This contains the getter and setter for the newly added fields.
- This is the Data Dictionary File for Account.java
- This defines the property name and provide the appropriate values in the Attribute Definition Bean and helps us to do validation in the screen
- Here we define the look up fields, inquiry fields and the results fields to be displayed in the screen
- This is the maintenance document for Account document
- In this we define our document type name and fields to be displayed while creating a new document.
- This is used for the purpose of validations for the fields in the Account.Java
- This is used to map the account fields to the database.
- We have to add the new column for storing the university number in the account table.
- Extends Persistable Business Object and implements Inactivatable.
- This contains the getter and setter for the fields.
- This is the Data Dictionary File for Account.java
- This defines the property name and provide the appropriate values in the Attribute Definition Bean and helps us to do validation in the screen
- Here we define the look up fields, inquiry fields and the results fields to be displayed in the screen
- This is the maintenance Document for Stewardship Requirement Document.
- In this we define our document type name and fields to be displayed while creating a new document.
- Extends Persistable Business Object and implements Inactivatable.
- This contains the getter and setter for the fields.
- This is the Data Dictionary File for Account.java
- This defines the property name and provide the appropriate values in the Attribute Definition Bean and helps us to do validation in the screen
- Here we define the look up fields, inquiry fields and the results fields to be displayed in the screen
- This is the maintenance Document for Stewardship Requirement Document.
- In this we define our document type name and fields to be displayed while creating a new document.
- This is used to map the Stewardship Requirement fields to the database.
- Here we have to add the class descriptor for the stewardship Requirement and LegacyFund Code.
Data Modelling
- Adding the column OLE_UNIV_ACCT_NBR in the table CA_ACCOUNT_T for University Account Number based on the artifact 13.
- Creating new table for stewardship Requirement (OLE_CA_ACCT_STWD_T)And for LegacyFundCode(OLE_CA_ACCT_LGCY_LMS_FND_T) based on the artifact 13.