(Draft Version- the OLE Glossary of Terms is continuously edited in Google Docs)
OLE 0.3 Glossary of Terms
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<A href="https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/kuali.org/ccc?key=0AlzG4eNDtxYpdHhhdzVDU1RHZ216aGNjeGM4SHpXNWc&hl=en" mce_href="https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/kuali.org/ccc?key=0AlzG4eNDtxYpdHhhdzVDU1RHZ216aGNjeGM4SHpXNWc&hl=en" target="_Blank">OLE Glossary of Terms - Google Docs Draft</A>
Below OLE Glossary is an export of above linked work-in-progress glossary in Google Docs. Above is most current. Below last updated: 12/28/2011.
viewxls: Failed to find attachment with Name Kuali_OLE_glossary-of-terms_v1.xls
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OLE- Platform Terms & Definitions (Rice, Docstore)
viewxls: Failed to find attachment with Name Kuali_OLE_glossary-of-terms_Rice.xls
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KFS Glossary/Online Help
Kuali Financial System- Reference: [KULDOC:Release 4^KFS 4_0 Glossary.docx](online), KFS 4.0 Glossary (doc)
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