Design Technical
Service Design and Implementation
Screen Flow Diagram
Layout use cases based on the screen flows indicating navigation between different screens and pop-ups.
- Roles – list of roles to be defined
- Permissions – list of permissions to be defined
- User Profiles – user profiles that may be applied roles/permissions (also for test/mock purposes)
- Context & Agendas
- Terms & Prepositions
- Sample XML file
Component Design
- State Chart Diagram
- Psuedo Code
1)A call is made to canPerformBatchImport(principalId) to get the job info to get what kind of job to be executed.
2)And it will perform Batch Import validations.and based on process type it will call BatchProcessBibImport class of factory patern.
3)This class is having getNextBatchOfData(marcFileContent) which will read the marc file content and fetch the list of records from uploaded marc file.
4)This method gather the number of records of marcFileContent, user entered data and batchProcessProfileId.
5)then controller set the total number of records to that particular job.
6)if job status is running then it will write the data and update the job information
7)it will check the number of records count and chunk size.
8)update the record details and job details.
Service Contracts
Service Implementation