Work in progress!
Still gathering materials for this page.
The purpose of this page is to have a one-stop for all OLE Demonstrations.
A note on quality
Some video players do not stream well. If the audio quality is poor, right click the link and select "save as..." or "save link as..." to download the video.
Personally, Windows Media Player seemed to work best.
KFS Knowledge Transfer
Notes are being kept on this Google Doc (You will need to log in to view)
KFS Knowledge Transfer Day 1
- Learn an overview about KIM functions (roles, permissions, responsibilities) as well as route nodes.
- Kymber shows us how to change responsibilities, adjust workflows by creating new parents and reassigning documents.
KFS Knowledge Transfer Day 2
Answered questions rolled over from day 1:
- Removing all permissions; specific permissions
- Steps to set up roles, permissions, responsibilities for new documents
- Route nodes, roles, permissions, routing in non-KFS situations (licensing, cataloging)
- Using Rice, permissions for DocStore and Describe functions
KFS Knowledge Transfer Day 3
- Organizations and hierarchies and how the structure influences roles, permissions
- Using KIM to set up who can do what and when
- Ideas on how organizations may be used by OLE
- Setting defaults
- Contribution codes
- Access Security
- Role types
- Brief information on setting up charts of accounts
- Archiving and deleting
KFS Knowledge Transfer Day 4
- Deposit Accounts
- What deposit accounts mean for libraries, functional needs for OLE
- UofA's custom code for Non-Check/Non-ACH payments
- Kuali sharing of code contributions in Jira - "KFS contributions" and "Kuali Sharing"
KFS Knowledge Transfer Day 5
- Process of KFS and how it might work in OLE
- Liabilities and general ledgers
- The PDP slideshow started in the session
QA testing
Tester training sessions for Describe and Select and Acquire were recorded and posted here:
QA Recorded Training Sessions
- Learn about the OLE testing process, Jira, using Selenium and giving feedback.
Kuali Demonstrations
Public demonstrations that Kuali OLE community members have performed are maintained on the Kuali public site