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Information on this page applies to Kuali OLE, Milestone Release 0.8.

0.8 Release Documentation, June 2013

This release of the Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE), the third milestone release, draws OLE nearer to the first implementable product.


Select and Acquire

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KFS 5.0

The KFS (Kuali Financial System) 5.0 code merge and upgrade continued during OLE’s 0.8 coding.  The impacted portions of OLE’s financial module were PURAP-Purchasing/Accounts Payable, FP-Financial Processing, GL-General Ledger, System, PDP-Predisbursement Processor.

A large part of the KFS 5.0 upgrade was the Kuali Rice 2.1 upgrade, a transition to the new Rice web development framework.  In order to complete the KFS 5.0/Rice 2.1 upgrade, developers had to convert KFS data (parameters, namespaces, permissions and workflows) to OLE while conforming to Rice 2 standards.  Some of the OLE customizations already implemented (such as using percentage and dollar amounts on the payment request) had to be modified to work with KFS 5.0.  A maven wrapper needed to be implemented for the ant styled KFS so that implementers may more easily build the application.

KRMS and PeopleFlow

While OLE implemented KRMS (Kuali Rules Management System) in the 0.6 Milestone Release with Load Profiles (named Agendas in 0.6), the KRMS Builder has continued to be utilized in 0.8. 

For license requests, both KRMS and PeopleFlow (An overview of both) are being used to navigate through complex workflows while being flexible for the variety of cases that may be presented to library staff.  A user may select a workflow to initiate, KRMS reconciles the rules and metadata to call designated PeopleFlow(s).  As electronic resource management can have optimal and asynchronous workflows, the PeopleFlow and KRMS user interface allows for business rules and routing to be created and managed on the fly.

To read more about Licensing, see OLE Licensing & Electronic Resource Documentation on our wiki


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Rice 2

Rice 2.2 is paving the way for the transition to the new Rice web development framework, which will bring significant improvements to the user interface and version compatibility.  You will find all of the Describe Module created in Rice 2.2.  With KRAD (Kuali Rapid Application Development), the look and feel of Describe’s Interfaces is different from the inherited KFS interface (these interfaces will sync in future releases).


OLE’s DocStore (Document Store – a database of documents built with Apache Jackrabbit and Solr) stores bibliographic records (MARC, DublinQ and DublinUnQ), and Instance records (Holding and Item).  The DocStore has been updated to include NISO sorting standards.

Instance Schema

In order to better fit user needs, the OLE Instance has continued to evolve for the 0.8 Milestone Release. While the Instance still contains holdings and item information, for any given bibliographic record an oleHoldings can be stored and now edited, modified or deleted within OLE.  oleHoldings records contain general information in OLE format.  sourceHoldings are another type of holdings record which contains specific information concurrent with an external standard such as MARC, MODS, etc.  The two types of holdings records will be available and convertible in a future release. 

  • The OLE Instance V9.1 documentation includes links to the Individual data elements within the Instance, the most current schema, and some sample XML files that fit the schema.


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Rice 2

Just like Describe, the Deliver Module resides within the Rice 2.2 framework.  KRAD (Kuali Rapid Application Development) frameworks were used for the user interfaces.  KIM (Kuali Identity Management) services were used to maintain permissions and responsibilities of circulation desks and patron records.


The identity management subsystem of Kuali Rice contains infrastructure for managing people via entity and principal records.  While OLE already uses KIM to set up roles and permissions throughout the entire interface, OLE has modified the KIM subsystem to manage patrons.  These two types of persons, patrons and OLE users (library staff) are stored separately within OLE.  OLE is flexible in that it allows libraries to implement a different identity service other than KIM if they so choose.


OLE is also using KRMS for loan circulation policies.  As there are three factors (patron type, item type, location) to any loan policy equation, the KRMS Rule Engine can accommodate as many or as few loan periods as are required.  Each factor and combination thereof may be considered to determine the loan period, applicable maximum limits, and other policies pertaining to blocks, renewals, requests, fines, etc.

System Integration

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SRU/Z39.50 and Discovery Layers

Z39.50 is an information retrieval protocol that many libraries rely on for production operations. It allows external services to search collections and returns both bibliographic and current holdings and item information. 

OLE is making use of Z39.50 connections in the 0.8 release by allowing users to import single records from outside data sources.  In addition, 0.8 OLE will allow institutions to export a full copy of their database to their Discovery Layer.  Work will continue for bib suppression, incremental updates and scheduling. In future releases OLE is also planning to expand the use of Z39.50 connections to expose data via SRU and will rely on external software to bridge between a Z39.50 client and the OLE SRU server.  This will include WorldCat Local, InterLibrary Loan systems, citation managers, and NCIP applications.

Additional API requirements will be developed for OLE 1.0 to support the ‘MyAccount’ functionality built into our discovery interface and the communication between interlibrary loan software such as Relais and OLE.

OLE 0.8 Technical Notes

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All technical notes for Kuali OLE Release 0.8 can be found on the public documentation site at OLE Technical Documentation.

OLE Technical Knowledgebase contains system architecture and installation notes.

OLE 0.8 User Documentation and Link to Demo

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See the OLE 0.8 Milestone User Documentation to test run the demo, read through the Drivers Manual and additional resources, and learn more about the O.8 release.


The OLE Glossary is available through the wiki.

Future Release Plan

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The Kuali Open Library Environment project team is planning a major release, OLE 1.0, for the fourth quarter of 2013.  OLE 1.0 will be the first implementable product that will include Select and Acquire, with underlying KFS functionality, Describe and Manage, and Deliver, all built with Kuali Rice 2.2 agility.  See our timeline ( for a big picture of the 1.0 release, as well as what has been developed in the current and past releases.

Electronic Acquisitions

Specifications are currently being created by SME teams to manage electronic acquisitions within OLE.  The first of these have only just been handed off for development.  An E-resource record is planned to record information and flexible workflows will allow for libraries to keep track of the acquisition process and manage the resources’ lifecycles.

Global Open Knowledgebase

The Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) will be a freely available data repository containing publication information about electronic resources.  Functionality is being specified on how GOKb will integrate with OLE for the 1.0 release.  Learn more about the GOKb project in the Kuali Days 2012 presentation.

License Editor

An editor for license agreements is planned for the 1.0 release.  Libraries will be able to record specific structured information about the license terms and store them within the OLE Docstore. 


NCIP is categorized into three services (Lookup, Update, and Notification), where each service is comprised of a request from an initiating application and a reply from a responding application. 

  • ‘Lookup’ includes searches (that should be covered in the Describe/Search f-specs) for data elements relating to Patrons (KIM/patron record), Holdings/Items/Bibs (DocStore), and the transaction records (RDBMS).
  • ‘Update’ includes the circulation processes of check-in, checkout, recall, renew, and request, that should be covered in the Deliver f-specs of the same name using KRMS.
  • We currently do not have use cases for ‘Notification’.

Within these three service types are more than 40 services.  Investigations over which are needed for OLE are currently underway, implementations are scheduled for 1.0.

Loading Legacy Data

Inquiries into how libraries will be able to load legacy data are currently under way.

Sprint Release Links for 0.8 Coding Efforts

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Sprint Release Notes

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