More information on Patron such as the tables involved/referenced, data model and interface design can be found in the Patron Technical Documentation.
OLE is designed to ingest patron data as XML files. Sample patron XML data is here:
Patron Sample Data - singlePatron.xml
Patron Schema - Patron v2.xsd.xml
Loading Multiple Patrons
If you are loading more than one patron, you must include
<patron xmlns="">
in between each of the patrons. For example:
</patron> <patron xmlns=""> <patronID>0001255</patronID> ... </patron> <patron xmlns=""> <patronID>0001299</patronID>
This information is not included in the single patron sample file, of course.
Loading Patrons
The XML file can be uploaded through the 'Batch Process' under Admin tab in the User Interface. More information can be found in the Technical Documentation of Batch Processes and Batch Process Profiles.
An alternate way of loading Patrons is by placing the XML files at a destination defined in the olefs-config-defaults.xml under the patrons.xml.pending.location parameter. This location is checked for XMLs at server start-up and the data is loaded up into the respective tables. A Poller service regularly hits the location to check for updates at predefined intervals to load new data.
Individual Patron records can also be created through the User Interface from the Create New link under Patron.
Circulation History Data
Circulation History Data is stored after a successful cycle of check out and check in in two different tables, OLE_DLVR_CIRC_RECORD (OLE- Deliver Circulation Records) and OLE_DLVR_TEMP_CIRC_RECORD (OLE-Deliver Temporary Circulation Records). The data in the former is permanent while the latter is periodically purged through a Batch Job, Delete Temporary History Records Job.
Institutions, while migrating from other Library Management Systems to OLE, would store their old data in the OLE_DLVR_CIRC_RECORD table for future reference purposes.
The columns in the table are as listed below
Column | Data Type | Comment |
CIR_HIS_REC_ID | varchar(40) | Primary Key |
LOAN_TRAN_ID | varchar(40) | |
CIR_POLICY_ID | varchar(40) | |
OLE_PTRN_ID | varchar(40) | Foreign Key from OLE_PTRN_T |
PTRN_TYP_ID | varchar(40) | |
AFFILIATION_ID | varchar(40) | |
DEPARTMENT_ID | varchar(40) | |
OTHER_AFFILIATION | varchar(40) | |
STATISTICAL_CATEGORY | varchar(40) | |
ITM_ID | varchar(40) | |
ITM_LOCN | varchar(100) | |
HLDNG_LOCN | varchar(100) | |
BIB_TIT | varchar(4000) | |
BIB_AUTH | varchar(500) | |
BIB_EDITION | varchar(500) | |
BIB_PUB | varchar(500) | |
BIB_PUB_DT | datetime | |
BIB_ISBN | varchar(50) | |
PROXY_PTRN_ID | varchar(40) | Foreign Key from OLE_PTRN_T |
DUE_DT_TIME | datetime | |
PAST_DUE_DT_TIME | datetime | |
CRTE_DT_TIME | datetime | |
MODI_DT_TIME | datetime | |
CIRC_LOC_ID | varchar(40) | |
OPTR_CRTE_ID | varchar(40) | |
OPTR_MODI_ID | varchar(40) | |
MACH_ID | varchar(100) | |
OVRR_OPTR_ID | varchar(40) | |
NUM_RENEWALS | varchar(3) | |
OVERDUE_NOTICE_DATE | datetime | |
OLE_RQST_ID | varchar(40) | |
REPMNT_FEE_PTRN_BILL_ID | varchar(40) | |
CHECK_IN_DT_TIME | datetime | |
CHECK_IN_OPTR_ID | varchar(40) | |
CHECK_IN_MACH_ID | varchar(100) | |
ITEM_UUID | varchar(100) |