FAQ: Using OLE Tools and understanding documents
The following are some simple definitions and answers to Frequently-Asked-Questions the Core Team and OLE developers have been asked. Over time, we will continue to insert additional resources, tips and tricks to this list in response to SME's (Subject Matter Experts, i.e. OLE library staff members) requests. To make suggestions for additional content to the FAQ, please email the Core Team, or add comments through the link at the bottom of this page.
This page is under development and content is continuously being added and edited. Please click on any of the questions below to jump to the discussion thread. Many hyperlinks are also connected in the content, and where images are included, click on the image or illustration to see an enlarged view.
3. What do you include in a functional specification?
4. What is the schedule for completing Fspecs?
5. How do I use... (Tools of OLE)
">1. What is an "Fspec"?
An F-spec is a "functional specification", or a set of functional library requirements for a specific library process or set of related activities. In OLE, we are isolating our Fspecs per User Story in order to define a small, easily specified set of requirements.
">2. What is a User Story?
A user story is a very small, succinct set of functionality written as "As a <role>, I want <action> so that <result>". Examples would be "As a library staff member I need to create a purchase order to order a book.", or, "As a budget officer, I need to modify the fund that is allocated to an account."
">3. What do you include in a Functional Specification?
A functional specification can include many things, but focuses on a general description of the work to be done by library users, the data elements or documents affected, and any business rules for managing the work specified.
See our spec templates page for templates (that include explanations) and samples.
">4. What is the schedule for completing Fspecs?
Functional specifications are completed in several phases by the designated Fspec team. While teams are encouraged to be self-organizing, each team will be given deadlines for completing a group of specifications. Upon completion of the final documentation, teams will be requested to be available for some ongoing Q&A with the core team and developers, and then a subset of volunteers will be requested to participate in future testing.
- See Spec Team- Roles in Spec Writing for sample spec timelines
- See OLE Development Cycle to review the entire process
5. Tools of OLE
Be sure to log in to Jira using your KIS account. If you know the Jira number, just do a quick search.
- See:
Unknown macro: {link-window}
How to Access Jira
- Unknown macro: {link-window}
Guide to Searching Issues on Jira
">Google Docs
">Google Calendar
To guarantee access to all OLE materials (Wiki, Jira, Google Docs, KIS Calendars & Team pages), it is recommended you be logged into KIS.
- [OLE:Getting Started with OLE - OLE 101]
- Create a KIS account
For more tools used by spec teams, see [OLE:OLE Tools & Working Teams]