The purpose of this page is to have a one-stop for all OLE Demonstrations. The library consists of recorded demonstrations of KFS functionality as presented by KFS consultants, presentations for partner adoptions and demonstrations from development staff of new functionality. We will continue to build this library as additional demonstrations and presentations become available.
To learn about recording sessions, see How to record with Webex
A note on quality
These videos do not stream well. If the audio quality is poor, right click the link and select "save as..." or "save link as..." to download the video.
I have begun to use mp4 formatting for the videos. This allows for a smaller file size and is more universal. After converting several videos, I discovered that Windows Media Player does not support this format until version 12. If you have difficulties viewing the videos, you may need to update Windows Media Player. You could also try an alternative player. I suggest (I have used this player for a long time and it is very good, free, and open source.)
Implementation Demos
Chart of Accounts discussion Recorded June 9th, 2014. (mp4)
- This meeting was an initial planning discussion about how OLE partners could set up their own Chart of Accounts, particularly the difference between accounts and object codes, using sub-object codes and sub-accounts, object levels, and consolidation levels. The focus was on Lehigh's implementation.
OLE 1.5 Demos
Describe Demo Recorded at KCW Presented by Doreen Herold on April 29th, 2014. (mp4)
Select and Acquire Demo Presented by Bob Persing on June 10th, 2014. (mp4)
Deliver Demo Presented by Emily Batista on June 10th, 2014. (mp4)
Code walk-through at OLE KCW - 2014 Presented by Tirumalesh B. on April 29th, 2014 (mp4) This video's screen display begins just after the 11 minute mark.
KFS Knowledge Transfer Sessions: Presented by Kymber Horn, KFS Consultant for OLE
Notes are being kept on this Google Doc (You will need to log in to view)
KIM functions (roles, permissions, responsibilities)
recorded 4/9/2013
- Learn an overview about KIM functions (roles, permissions, responsibilities) as well as route nodes.
- Kymber shows us how to change responsibilities, adjust workflows by creating new parents and reassigning documents.
Roles, permissions and routing continued
recorded 4/10/2013; notes
Answered questions rolled over from day 1:
- Removing all permissions; specific permissions
- Steps to set up roles, permissions, responsibilities for new documents
- Route nodes, roles, permissions, routing in non-KFS situations (licensing, cataloging)
- Using Rice, permissions for DocStore and Describe functions
recorded 4/12/2013; notes
- Organizations and hierarchies and how the structure influences roles, permissions
- Using KIM to set up who can do what and when
- Ideas on how organizations may be used by OLE
- Setting defaults
- Contribution codes
- Access Security
- Role types
- Brief information on setting up charts of accounts
- Archiving and deleting
Deposit Accounts; Contributions to Kuali
recorded 4/23/2013; notes
- Deposit Accounts
- What deposit accounts mean for libraries, functional needs for OLE
- UofA's custom code for Non-Check/Non-ACH payments
- Kuali sharing of code contributions in Jira - "KFS contributions" and "Kuali Sharing"
Intro to PDP
recorded 4/24/2013; notes
- Process of KFS and how it might work in OLE
- Liabilities and general ledgers
- The PDP slideshow started in the session
Chart of Accounts and GL
recorded 4/30/2013; notes
- Chart of Accounts and General Ledger
- Accounts
- Organizations
- Object Codes
- How budgets are set up; KFS configuration workbook
- Chart and GL slideshow presented in the session
- Chart of Account slideshow - additional information about CoA.
- CoA Configuration workbook - spreadsheet shown during the session
Workunits and the DocStore
recorded 5/7/2013; notes
- Work units
- KFS uses 'campus' objects to divide locations
- Parameters and permissions will aide in defining work units.
- Campuses are separate of chart, org
- Discussed the idea of chart and org for PURAP docs; campus for Doc Store
- Operator defaults in documents
More on Business Rules and System Parameters
recorded 5/8/2013; notes
- Parameters
- Data dictionary vs. Business rules vs. Parameters
- Types of parameters - Compound, Indicator
- Document driven, not permission or role driven
- Examples from KFS
- Parameters 5 (KFS Parameter wiki page - pretty technical)
- Parameters PowerPoint shared during the session
- Bootstrap+5 (KFS Bootstrap data wiki page)
Contract Manager and OLE licensing functionality -- workflow
recorded 5/14/2013; notes
- Licensing workflow requirements
- Contract Managers' workflows from KFS will not work
- Workflow examples and Action Lists in KFS
- Searching
- Delegations - primary and secondary (per person, per document) (will be continued in a later session)
- Workflow (PowerPoint presentation from the session)
- KRMS Description and Assumptions
Year End Processing and Batch Jobs
recorded 5/15/2013; notes
- Year end processing
- KFS jobs reviewed
- Parameters for year end transitions
- A sample schedule for KFS jobs
- KFS documentation on Year End Processes
- Schedule of Year End Batch Jobs
- How KFS batch jobs can be applied in OLE
- How to run batch jobs
Year End Processing (PowerPoint presentation from the session)
Default Values
recorded 5/21/2013; notes
- Defaults in KFS
- Delivery and Receiving address on a requisition
- Vendor Choice on a purchase order
- Accounts Receivable defaults that could be of interest to be modified for OLE PURAP use
- New e-doc defaults will probably have to be hard coded.
User Documents to Set Up Workflows -- Account Delegates and Org. Review; Action Lists
recorded 5/22/2013; notes
- Account Delegates Document - for fiscal officers to delegate tasks on particular accounts
- Organization Review - tied to the organization (project code, account, etc)
- Primary and Secondary Delegates
- Action Lists and Routing
PDP Processing, M:1 Invoicing, Search Limits
recorded 5/29/2013; notes
- How to transmit funding information from OLE to university accounting
- M:1 invoices - using and modifying bundling
- Search result limits - changing parameters to modify the # of results.
Invoicing and the eInvoicing job of KFS, Staff Alerts and Event Logs
recorded 6/4/2013; notes
This video is divided into two parts:
- Invoicing and the einvoicing job
- Modifying the einvoicing job to accomodate M:1 POs
- Parts of KFS that could be used when creating the new OLE invoicing document
- Staff alerts and Event Logs
- Staff alerts - action lists are KEN and may need a Rice enhancement (TBD)
- Event Logs, audit trails and making use of notes
- Explanation of maintenance docs vs. transactional docs and how they function in KFS
- Maintenance doc (object) makes changes to tables; transactional docs create entries (move $ around accts in KFS) and use maintenance docs.
Conversions of Legacy Data, Batch Jobs in KFS
recorded 6/5/2013; notes
- PO Conversion Program
- Process of loading for implementing KFS:
- 1st: Object Codes, Organizations, Accounts from spreadsheets
- 2nd: Open Purchase Orders - KFS recommends manual, OLE may need to use the PO Conversion Program
- 3rd: Vendors
- 4th: Account Balances
- Batch Jobs
- Financial processing, PURAP, PDP, GL jobs
- How to run jobs in KFS
- Uploading files in KFS, correcting errors
Separation of Duties
recorded 6/11/2013; notes
- Separation of duties examples in KFS
- Requisition parameter (Initiator must has a second approver if X amount - locally configured)
- DV routes for approval if Payee and Initiator are the same (known bug, should be if Payee and Fiscal Officer are the same)
- Vendor role - Reviewer Omit Initiator (Someone else must approve the document if Vendor Reviewer initiated)
- Library needs - adapting the Reviewer Omit Initiator may work for them
- Sample of Reviewer Omit Initiator
Review License Workflow
recorded 6/26/2013; notes
- Reviewed E-Acquisitions Workflow Proposal
- Compared workflow needs with KFS existing functionality
Deposit Accounts
recorded 7/24/2013
- Discussed options proposed (via email) for prepay accounts.
A discussion with J Keller and OLE about authentication with KFS/UC Davis illustrations.
Batch Processing Demo
recorded 8/28/2013
Developers share how to run batch processing in 1.0. (Found under Admin > Batch Framework)
- Profile
- Export (+ scheduling an export job)
- Import
- Maintaining globally protected fields
Bank Code and Process Campus Error
recorded 2/13/2014
Discussion between some of the Chicago Implementers, KFS consultant Jonathan Keller, and several project team members.
ASR API Demonstration
Recorded 03/12/2014
Developers demonstrated how to make API calls to the ASR API
Roles and Permissions
Recorded 03/14/2014 (mp4)
Kuali Demonstrations
Public demonstrations that Kuali OLE community members have performed are maintained on the Kuali public site
- Recording of the Bloomsbury demonstration (October, 2012)
- Recording of the demo at OLE KCW - 2014 (April 29, 2014)