- Profile.xml detailing terms, rules, actions etc
- Similar to staff upload profile
- Create Circ Policy (KRMS Agenda) using existing ProfileBuilder which is a custom engine that uses a profile.xml and setups up all the rules/actions etc..
- Apply the policy to Patron type
- Complete rules set may not be viewable using the KRMS UI
- May need to provide a custom UI to export the profile xml
. Roles (For this pass we are not going to be implementing the override'en mode)
- Full Circulation attendant - will have the all loan privileges including the approval permissions - being implemented for this pass
- Permissions
- Create a loan
- Approve a loan for borrower limit
- Approve loan for unavailable item
- Approve loan for non-circulating item
- Permissions
2. Limited circulation attendant - operator will have only the "create loan" permission - not implemented this pass
Note: Permissions will be created using DB scripts.
Creating roles and permission involves following tables:
- KRIM_ROLE_T - Insert a record to create role
- KRIM_PERM_T - Insert a record to create permission for role created
- KRIM_ROLE_PERM_T - Insert a record to map role with permission
- KRIM_PERM_ATTR_DATA_T - Insert a record for permission details
- KRIM_ROLE_MBR_T - Insert a record to map a user with a role
3. Data Model
4. Sign Off
Review complete? Yes No (Sr.Technical Architect) - Absent
Review with Core (Handoff #2)? Yes Yes (OLE Core Team/S&A Team) - June 26th, 2012