Package Names
General formatting
Package names in GOKb should follow the general format:
{Content Provider}: {Package name}
Content Provider: This is the full name of the Organization in GOKb that you select as the content provider when loading a file into OpenRefine.
Package Name: This is the name of the package as given by the content provider in the original source. If the original source contains a year in the package name, you should retain the year information in the same format as the provider's naming convention.
Creating a package name
If the content provider does not assign a name or uses a name that is too vague to be useful, you can construct a name yourself. You will want to consider including the following elements:
Year should appear as the last part of the package name. The year should define the content of the package as it was sold during a particular year (NOT the year the package file was created).
Package name examples
Elsevier: Freedom Collection
Taylor & Francis: Environmental Science Backfile
Sage: All Journals
Project Names
General formatting
Project names should follow the general format:
{Content Provider}: {Package name}: {YYYYMMDD}
An exception to this rule occurs when a project contains multiple packages. In this case, you can replace the package name with a more general indication of what the project contains. (E.g., "all packages," "subject packages.")
Cambridge University Press: All titles: 20130101
Wiley-Blackwell: All packages: 20140530
License Names
General formatting
License names should follow the general format:
Org name: [Individual/Multiple] [Academic/Commerical] Institution License for [E-Journals/Ebooks/Databases/Archive/Specific Collection]: [Year]
Individual/Multiple: Choose the correct descriptor to indicate whether the license applies to single institutions or multiple.
Academic/Commercial: Choose the correct description to indicate whether the license applies to academic or commercial institutions
E-Journals/Ebooks/Databases/Archives/Specific Collection: Choose the correct descriptor to indicate the materials covered by the license; you can enter the name of a unique collection if applicable.
Year: Enter the year the license was created or last updated.