Versions Compared


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This space page provides information , links and files that describes the technical architecture of OLE Cataloging documents (Bib, Instance) and, workflows; metadata; Editors; and, document policy and permissions.We will continue to develop and modify the information as Kuali OLE continues to evolveand links related to the functionality of Describe module in OLE till the latest release.


Table of Contents


Create, edit and delete Bibs

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-262419.01.01 Web Document Editor: Bib MARC (gaps reported from release 0.6)    
0.8OLE-2555Instance Editor   

Create, Edit and Delete Instances

Detailed Design3902Move Number of Pieces to Item Information Section3873Must have unique item barcodes3665Instance Editor Locations too hard to input255705.01 Create and Edit Instance & 2557CreateInstance2557CreateInstance2555
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical Design 
0.8OLE-255715.05.01 Create and Edit Instance & Item  OLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2557-CreateInstance-DetailedDesign
0.8OLE-298019.03.04 Instance Schema for OLE 0.8, version 9    
0.8OLE-3665Instance Editor Locations too hard to input    
0.8OLE-3739Instance Editor Item note only allows one    
0.8OLE-3873Must have unique item barcodes    
0.8OLE-3902Move Number of Pieces to Item Information Section    
0.8OLE-273715.14 Delete Bib, Instance, and Item  OLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-DetailedDesign
0.8OLE-3952Instance shows "New Item" and you have to delete    
0.8OLE-3954Instance Editor call no prefix not showing in left pane    
0.8OLE-298019.03.04 Instance Schema for OLE 0.8, version 9  3993Sorting Items in Left Pane Display    
1.0OLE-2674Bib Editor EnhancementsOLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-UseCases OLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2674-BibEditorEnhancements-DetailedDesign
1.0OLE-3551Staff Only Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Records (hide from public display)OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItems-UseCases OLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-3551-StaffOnlyBibsHoldingsItem-DetailedDesign
1.0OLE-2685Record Donor Info    
1.0OLE-3698Want to edit Location, Call no info on Item screen    
1.0OLE-4001Instance URLs entered in holdings or item should be clickable   

Left Pane

Sorting Items in Left Pane Display083954Instance Editor call no prefix not showing in left pane083952Instance shows "New Item" and you have to delete082737 Describe-2737-DeleteBibInstanceItem-TechnicalDesign
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0OLE-4014 Instance item delete should not automatically delete holdings and bib    
1.0OLE-4334Instance Holdings needs a copy number field    
1.5OLE-2677Clickable URLs    
1.5OLE-2679Clone Instance & ItemOLE-Describe-2679-CloneInstanceItem-UseCases   
1.5OLE-2686Global changes to InstanceOLE-Describe-2686-GlobalChangesToInstance-UseCases   
1.5OLE-3267Item Attached to Multiple Instances (Analytics)    
1.5OLE-15.14 Delete Bib, Instance, and Item4697Serials received issues should display on Holdings    
1.5OLE-4706Editor Holding note text block too small    



Call Number Browse
5141Need "copy number" field for single-copy REQ lines    

Bib Editor Enhancements


1.5OLE-5211Editor slow when there are many items    
1.5OLE-5323Publisher information display change in PURAP documents    


VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.5OLE-4287OLE Search - Framework Enhancements - 1.5    



VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-266715.11 Sort Call NumbersOLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-UseCases OLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2667-SortCallNumbers-DetailedDesign


VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-255819.03.01 Instance- Location Maintenance Docs & Relationships    

Import Bib

0.8OLE-264315.23 Bib Status  OLE-Describe-2643-BibStatus-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2643-BibStatus-DetailedDesign
0.8OLE-280619.03.02  Instance- Maintenance Docs & Relationships    
0.8OLE-4015Update persisting Locations data    
0.8OLE-4023Call number type maintenance doc: cleanup needed in UI    
0.8OLE-4027UI cleanup: Change "Instance Item Type" maintenance doc to just "Item Type".    


VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-4064 Describe Import won't import a record without |a as the first subfield in 2452848 Location    
1.5OLE-4230Location administration: Cumbersome display on "Ole location" administration summary screen    

Import Single Bib

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-273215.09 Import Single Record - Bibs, InstanceImport-bib_desc-Use-Cases OLE-Describe-2732-Import-Bib-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2732-ImportBib-DetailedDesign


0.8OLE-4064 Describe Import won't import a record without |a as the first subfield in 245    
1.0OLE-3868Import bib should reject MARC8 encoding with an error    
1.5OLE-5172Bib Import Profile Protects All of Field 024, Not Just Subfield $a (as specified)    

Batch Process

Batch Import

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0.8OLE-2769Create and Edit Instance & Item- Bound With'sDescribe-Module-Bound-With-Use-Case OLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-DetailedDesign
3575Import Enhancements S&A - Release 1.0    
1.5OLE-5235E-instance import -- support multiple URLs    

Batch Export

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
 1.0.8OLE-288515.xx Transfer Instance & ItemDescribe-Transfer-Instance-Item-Use-Case_v1.1 2654 Export Records (Single & Batch)  OLE-2654-BatchExport-TestCases OLE-Describe-28852654-TransferInstanceExportRecords-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2885-TransferInstanceItem-DetailedDesign
Maintenance Document
 1.0OLE-4892 Batch Export need to be able to map Call number prefix    

Batch Delete

.84027UI cleanup: Change "Instance Item Type" maintenance doc to just "Item Type".84015Update persisting Locations data
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0OLE-3964Batch delete of bib, holding, item records    
01.85OLE-4023Call number type maintenance doc: cleanup needed in UI5108When a user cancels a batch delete, the display should provide confirmation that the job was cancelled    0
1.5OLE-5158Batch delete of instances    


0.8OLE-2848 Location   
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-255819.03.01 Instance- Location Maintenance Docs & Relationships    0.8OLE-280619.03.02  Instance- Maintenance Docs & Relationships2769Create and Edit Instance & Item- Bound With'sDescribe-Module-Bound-With-Use-Case OLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-2769-BoundWiths-DetailedDesign
1.0OLE-4063Display all linked bib records for a bound-with    


VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-2643288515.23 Bib Status xx Transfer Instance & ItemDescribe-Transfer-Instance-Item-Use-Case_v1.1 OLE-Describe-26432885-BibStatusTransferInstance-TechnicalDesignOLE-Describe-26432885-BibStatusTransferInstanceItem-DetailedDesign



083865 Docstore needs a button to take you to Describe Edit
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.5OLE-3267Item Attached to Multiple Instances (Analytics)    


1995 Docstore Bib Search with Checkout & Checkin
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-3041Reload bulk Bibliographic documents to Docstore for OLE 0.81995SEARCH: Docstore Bib Search with Checkout & Checkin    
0.8OLE-2194SEARCH: NISO Search results sorting standard NISO_Sorting_Test_Results  
0.8OLE-2375SEARCH: Normalization- Docstore records (part of bib and instance editors/search)    
0.8OLE-3041Reload bulk Bibliographic documents to Docstore for OLE 0.8    
0.8OLE-3291Bulk Ingest Process page needs to work with the server folder structure in the new CM configurations and not hard coded & Linking bib to instance working    
0.8OLE-23753865 SEARCH: Normalization- Docstore records (part of bib and instance editors/search)Docstore needs a button to take you to Describe Edit    



0.83041Reload bulk Bibliographic documents to Docstore for OLE 0.8
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0OLE-3462Need a Local Identifier for all OLE Records    


0.83910Sonar Coverage for Transfer
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0OLE-3866DocStore Search: Display modications (listing for instance, holdings, item)    


Rice 2.0 POC
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-22861.0OLE-4270Upgrade OLEDocstore with RDBMS    
1.5OLE-3585Docstore Search - S&A Requirements    

Staff Upload

Staff upload creates instance record that does not comply with new instance format; Expanded to include all functions that create instance records
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-3252 1.5OLE-4358Docstore Search - Describe Requirements    
1.5OLE-5210Docstore Rebuild Index    
1.5OLE-5389Jackrabbit - Move Licensing to RDBMS    

Cataloging documentation

Page Tree