a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing patron record.
b. Participants: OlePatronDocument.java, OlePatronDefinition.java, OlePatronContract.java, OlePatronDocument.xml, OlePatronDocumentMaintenanceDocument.xml, OlePatronMaintenanceImpl.java, ojb-repository-krms.xml
c. Framework: Rice2.x
2. Patron Search
a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document document will be used to create and update a new or an search,edit and copy the existing patron recordrecords.
b. Participants: OlePatronLookupableImpl.java, OlePatronInquirableImpl.java
c. Framework: Rice2.x
a. KRAD Design: Use the existing document framework
b. Participants:
a. KRAD Design: The ingest screen is going to be similar to the Staff Upload screen in OLE_Rice2.x. Its a simple KRAD form with a view.xml and a controller.
b. Participants: OlePatronRecordForm.java, OlePatronRecordView.xml, OlePatronRecordController.java, OleNameTypes.java, OlePatron.java,
OlePatronEmailAddress.java, OlePatronGroup.java, OlePatronLevelPolicies.java, OlePatronNote.java, OlePatronPostalAddress.java,
OlePatronTelePhoneNumber.java, OlePatronConverterService.java
c. Framework: Rice2.x
d. Workflow
4. Security
a. Roles:
- Patron Manager – full permissions over patron and borrower type
- Full Circulation Attendent – view and edit patron document, view borrower type
- Limited Circulation Attendent – view patron document, no access to borrower type
- Create
- Edit
- View(Inquiry)
b. Participants:
- ole_krim_role_t.csv oracle-ole-rice.sql (Defining roles such as Patron, Borrower type etc)
- ole_krim_perm_t.csv (Define permissions)
- ole_krim_role_perm_t.csv (Define , defining permissions, defining role/permissions mapping i.e for a particular role following permissions...)
- ole_krim_role_mbr_t.csv (for the particular role who are the people ie. Patron - OLE-Jon-Doe)
- mysql-ole-rice.sql (Defining roles such as Patron, Borrower type etc, defining permissions, defining role/permissions mapping)
5. Service(s): Will be published to KSB and also be accompanied by appropriate java docs
a. Creation/Updates:
- getPatron(String barcodepatronId)
- createPatron(OlePatron patronOlePatronDefinition olePatron)
- updatePatron(OlePatron patronOlePatronDefinition olePatron)
- inactivatePatron(OlePatron patronOlePatronDefinition olePatron)addPatronAddress(OlePatron patron
- addNameToEntity(EntityName name, Entity entity)
- updatePatronAddressupdateName(OlePatron patronEntityName name)inactivatePatronAddress
- inactivateName(OlePatron patronString nameId)addPatronEmail(OlePatron patron
- addEmailToEntity(List<EntityEmail> emails, EntityTypeContactInfo entityTypeContactInfo)
- updatePatronEmailupdateEmail(OlePatron patronEntityEmail entityEmail)inactivatePatronEmail
- inactivateEmail(OlePatron patronString emailId)addPatronPhone(OlePatron patron
- addAddressToEntity(List<EntityAddress> entityAddress, EntityTypeContactInfo entityTypeContactInfo)
- updatePatronPhoneupdateAddress(OlePatron patronEntityAddress entityAddress)inactivatePatronPhone
- inactivateAddress(OlePatron patronString addressId)addPatronNote(OlePatron patron
- addPhoneToEntity(List<EntityPhone> entityPhone, EntityTypeContactInfo entityTypeContactInfo)
- updatePatronNoteupdatePhone(OlePatron patronEntityPhone entityPhone)inactivatePatronNote
- inactivatePhone(OlePatron patronString phoneId)
OleIdentityService: Filter out the Patron(s)
- public List<Person> findPeople(Map<String, String> criteria)
- public List<Person> findPeople(Map<String, String> criteria, boolean unbounded)
- protected List<Person> findPeopleInternal(Map<String,String> criteria, boolean
- public List<Person> getPersonByExternalIdentifier(String externalIdentifierTypeCode, String externalId) unbounded )addNoteToPatron(OlePatronNotesDefinition patronNote)
- updateNote(OlePatronNotesDefinition patronNote)
- inactivateNote(String patronNoteId)
- getPatrons()
- findPatron(QueryByCriteria queryCriteria)
b. Lookups/Searches
- public List<? extends BusinessObject> getSearchResults(Collection<?> performSearch(LookupForm form, Map<String, String> fieldValues)
- public List<? extends BusinessObject> getSearchResults(Map<String, String> fieldValues)
- searchCriteria, boolean bounded)
6. Data Model : The DM for Patron is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
7. Sign-off
Review complete? Yes (Sr.Technical Architect) - Friday May 4th, 2012
Review with Core (Handoff #2)? No Yes (OLE Core Team/S&A Team) - Monday May 7th, 2012